Money Never Sleeps My Lions. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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I've got a feeling that this coming week is going to be a wild one for the markets, and what does this mean my Lions?

Last week a trifecta of events occurred in this market, with the grand finale being on Friday.
Last week we had a significant sell off in crude oil, a dumping of a huge amount of paper gold onto the market, and a selloff of the entire tech sector on Friday (after touching a Record high).

I am watching several sectors very closely, (and so should you).

It is important for us to follow the action within the tech sector, the energy sector-which includes crude oil, and the financial sector.

In my opinion it is these three sectors, tech, energy, and financials, which will see the most action in the coming week, and I want all of us to be ready for it.

Early tomorrow, Monday, I will be opening new positions which I will post on my website (about an hour after the market open) so we can all capitalize on whatever the market is going to do.

Remember my Lions, Money Never Sleeps.

Gregory Mannarino
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Thanks for your help Gregg. I have recently started trading and reading every word you put out has been extremely beneficial!! This guy knows what's going on!!!

Damn, lions never sleep!

Yea I think right now is a good time to buy tech, specifically google and amazon.

I am assuming that you mean long when you say "buy tech". I am sure that Gregory did not mean specifically long when he was talking about watching the tech sector, but rather he is expecting action (volatility) which could also mean shorts as well.

Thanks again for very useful info Greg.

Greg your right on the money with this

Great interview with Greg Hunter today.
I agree this should be a wild week. I'm saying 50/50 on the rate hike. I know they want to do it but I think they are re thinking it. Unless like you said on the Hunter interview they want to blow up the market to take Trump down. It will be interesting. I continue to stack physical Silver - 😋

Good article mate, how do you think it will effect the metals

The fakery which is occurring in the paper derivatives of metals is frankly off the charts. I expect this to continue until it doesn't. This means stack big time..

Did you guys see the article or hear the audio interview Andrew McGuire gave on King World News June 10th? Sounds interesting and has potential for loosening of the gold and silver price scheme.

Yes! July 6th or 7th is the date when this alleged move "might" occur.

dont hold your breath on these events every time i have heard these kind of predictions over the last 5 years they go the other way. just keep stacking !!!!

In time your Pride of lions will have a lion's share of the physical supply of metals.
Rip the face off the paper fraud and definitely keep stacking!

Something wicked comes this way!!!
Greg I have been following you and THANK YOU for guiding me to Steem!!!!
But I haven't seen you post this much in a weekend before. Tells me this is really getting more serious than people will accept. We are at the edge Of the hurricane and this one looks to be a catagory 5.

Yes, a trifecta of events. Let's see what happens. Thanks Greg.

Thank you Greg, I'm buckled up! Looking forward to your updates.