Greg Hunter and Greg Mannarino On The Economy, Politics, And The Markets.

in #money7 years ago


Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says America is in conflict with itself. Mannarino explains, “We have a President who gets it. He’s obviously not a socialist, and there is no doubt this man has the back of America. . . . There is a literal war going on right now between political parties here. This is a deliberate effort by some to destabilize our country..

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me steem.png


Gregory- This was a very disappointing segment. When talking about asset classes you had a great chance to talk about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Steemit yet you continued to stay on the traditional "fear, war, doom" paralysis track that keeps so many of your listeners and GH's viewers unsuccessful. I thought that after praising cryptocurrency, Steemit, and Bitcoin so much on your own channel that you would at least bring it up one time on GH's show, I even asked you to so so in the comments section on a few of your past Steemit videos. For some reason you totally left out exposing the incredible opportunities for freedom that cryptocurrency provides and instead chose to focus on conspiracies. With all that being said I think you deserve a chance to explain yourself to the now very disappointed Bitcoin fan base. My Bitcoin channel is one of the most popular out there and I would be happy to give you an opportunity to clear up everything there. Thanks Adam "BitcoinMeister" Meister.

I had wanted to, and planned to talk about crypto however if you watched the interview I did not have the time. But if you follow my work as of late you know I talk about it all the time.

Yes I know YOU have been talking about it all the time on YOUR show. You had an incredible opportunity to expose it to more people yet you did not and you left many Bitcoin people very disappointed and wondering what you really are in this for. You took the easy way to get GH's audience enthused, you did not try to challenge them with anything new or revolutionary like cryptocurrency. If you truly believe cyrptocurrency is a huge as you keep saying it is then you would have brought it up right away. It fit perfectly with possible solutions to all the things the two of you keep complaining about (manipulation etc...).

Did you hear the point in the interview where I began to talk about "other sources of wealth?" That was when I planned in talking about crypto however, Mr. Hunter would not let me finish. That is his show and he does what he wants. It is that simple.

Hi Greg, I've put your steemit blog in numerous posts/comments and I'm very thankful you introduced me to this site. I had just finished reading a transcript of Trump's interview with The Economist magazine about Trumpanomics ( before I watched this vid with you and Greg Hunter. Please read it with an eye toward coherency in communicating a thought and what he says about his economic ideas. We, as individuals, will pay more for everything we like to buy from individuals all over the globe. Also, and I do not have an emotional dog in this game, Trump is not a statesman. Imagine him debating (real; not staged) any of the founders, for example. I was alarmed by the transcript.

No idea what your referring to as a disappointing segment, this was one of the best I have heard in a while particularly the second half of the interview. All facts and should be of concern to everyone. As Greg has said at the very core this is a resource issue. That can not be stressed enough.... Great job Greg

Greg Hunter is very rigid with his approach. I wish he is more relaxed and let his guests talk.
This is main problem I have with his show. Guests selection is excellent though.

There is a political war and has been ever since Trump decided to run for office. I feel as you do that Trump understands what is at stake. An American that MAY be great again and an America that is dependent upon the socialist welfare state encouraged by our Democratic Socialistic soon to be Communist party. He understand. I believe also that Trump is our only and last hope to save America in some form as a reflection of how it once was. They wish to destablize our fine nation because it is easier to take over a country that is divided. There is a war on out there against the family structure, against our food, our financial stability, our health and our soul. A war of good and evil...a spiritual war. You must chose which side you wish to be on. One side is deceit and lies, suppression and slavery. The other is truth and freedom, righteousness and happiness for all. It is your choice. Choose wisely.

We will be great again, soon after we get rid of the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes and start printing our own Debt Free Currency... Pocket Change...

The federal reserve will not go quietly.

They won't go quietly but they have to go !

Americas doomed. We can only hope when the debt implodes the fed govt deteriorates and the nation breaks up. The degenerates in california will have a mad maxx society-akin to N Korea, and hopefully some states like Alaska, Texas, and the midwest return to better governance.

My two favorite Gregs! Greg, how is it that you haven't convinced Greg Hunter to open a Steemit account? Would love to see him here too.

Amen... I would love it if Greg Hunter was on Steemit also.

Just watched the interview and it's outstanding. Really good insights clearly laid out here about what's really happening in the markets. Thanks so much for sharing such relevant true information and to Greg Hunter for his show. I really appreciate it. Definitely take the time to catch this one if you haven't already watched it.

Want to see Greg posting on here directly. Has anybody checked out LBRY for posting videos too and linking to that instead of YouTube?

Many platforms are appearing now that host videos, and I think that is good. Bitchute using torrent tech to share in the serving of videos that go viral for another example, including your own suggestion. Note however that some content creators, holding a negative view towards Youtube, still don't mind hosting their censored videos there... (paraphrased from audio) "post a link on Steemit, and let Youtube pay all the server costs, without the Ad revenue." @sgtreport. Check out his channel here on Steemit, as he has covered all the controversial events in the past few years.

Thanks for the link !

Thank You for Posting Greg !!

 ~~~ STEEM On !!! ~~~

Mr. Hunter needs to climb aboard the Steem train!

The Federal Reserves plunge protection team won't let these markets collapse. They have unlimited electronic money to prop everything up. I love ya Greg, but you still don't understand how powerful an unaudited central bank is.

True, they've kept it going longer than anyone can imagine and may continue to do so. Eventually though,with continuing inflation, job losses, home foreclosures, confidence will be lost. Bank runs, capital going towards cryto's and pm's, just a matter of time, sooner or later, I think sooner. Scary times indeed.

It's better to be prepared for whats to come than to not be.