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RE: My 8 year old son has a budget!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Wow! I am really impressed that you have decided to teach your son to tithe in such a young age! Maybe that is a great way for kids at 8 to learn the importance of responsibility!

For me (during my young age), my school started encouraging us to save by working closely with a local bank. The bank gave us free piggy banks when we opened a new account at the age of 7 with parents' support.

During my young age technology was not available so multiple piggy banks was the way for us to plan . But of course, I did not have as detailed as yours. LOL.

One thing for sure I was not taught to save up for retirement. This is definitely a good idea to teach the kids (because you never know what happens).

upvote and resteem you for your creative and wonderful effort!


Wow, thanks so much @littlenewthings.
Yip, he has to know, whatever money he gets is not his - it all comes from God so he has to give back...
The first 20% (tithing and retirement) he basically "never had" and only really gets to budget the remaining 20%. If he can learn this at a young age then I'm sure he'll be financially sound for the rest of his life :)

That is so true. You are truly a very wise parent!

Haha - thanks for the kind words... All we can do is try our best and trust God ;)