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RE: Robert Kiyosaki - How Our Monetary System Enslave Us & Why You Shouldn't Pay Taxes (FULL INTERVIEW)

in #money8 years ago (edited)

I don't think Robert Kiyosaki is anti-government and against tax. He is just against him paying tax, but like the fiat money system (He have 300 million in fiat money debt or what did he way??) and the state, since these structures maintains his wealth and his business.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Robert Kiyosaki in the past, but he is kind-of like an reminiscence of the past (before crypto, before 2008). He teaches people how to play the old fashion capitalism game, but as he points out he knows nothing about crypto currencies and he is not an anarchist.

I personally think that the state will try to fight crypto as soon as it gets more popular, so every person will have to take a stand on which side they are on!

Also he is friend of Trump, who is clearly a statist behind all evils states do.

I understand that you like to interview Robert Kiyosaki since he made that best seller book and is famous, but still I thought that you where more like Jeff, trying to avoid statists in the pursued of getting away from statism and towards anarchism.

I don't have the final answer on how to make the world anarchistic, other then I think that crypto currencies will do that over time.

Anyway it was a great interview, its not that, I am just writing out of the purpose of transforming the world towards anarchism.