The poor stay poor.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago

Right now we are all struggling. Whether it's money, relationships, or just life's every day endeavors. For me I am struggling finding work.

Let's talk about the reality of going to school. I have been out of high school for a few years now and have yet to go back to college. Why? Well being an adult who lives on my own and doesn't have much contact with my parents. I still need their information to apply for fafsa to get government grants and student aid. HOWEVER, since I need their information and can't get it I am not allowed to go to school! I have always had a dream to teach English abroad. But with my income alone and all my bills due, I barely have enough money to eat let alone afford a college education. What a bunch of bull.

The reason why I have mentioned these problems are because every "Entry" level position I have applied for have never mentioned needing a degree. But when contacted they want you to have at least a two year degree in administration, business, or general education. Mind you I am applying for jobs that pay less than $10.00 an hour.

The poor will stay poor until someone helps them, or by pure luck. Because of my parents I cannot receive and education until I am either married with children or over the age of 25. This is ridiculous. Okay rant over.

On a side note, my mental state of self love and having confidence in myself is rising. Everyday I feel a little better about my health and mental well being. (These money problems aren't helping but oh well)



Do not be dejected! You can try to make money online, in parallel with offline. You are very nice, you have a beautiful figure, you can become an insta-blogger or Youtuber, you can start streaming games on twitch (with your super beautiful looks it's real) I care about your post, I'll help you with my subscription and upvote: 3
PS: you really cute ^_^

oh, I forgot. Merry Christmas

Thank you so much! I really appreciate you saying all of that! <3

Also Merry Christmas!!

Hey! Dont give up, its just small life problem. Soon all will be alright, Trust me

I am doing my best to keep my head up thank you!

I understand you
Sometimes I feel like a stranger inside my own body.
I want you to know that there is someone here in Brazil wishing you lots of luck and positive thoughts.
Merry Christmas.

I am also sending all the positive vibes to you as well! thank you so much! Merry Christmas!