We Haven't Seen This Since 1929! - Stock Market Crash Is Imminent

in #money7 years ago

we havent seen this since 1929 stock market crash imminent thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the dramatic fall of the stock market as euphoria bubbles the markets at an epic scale.

The stock market is currently having its worst second quarter since 1929, soon after leading to the historic crash of '29.

We've seen the S&P as well as the DOW continue to drop out recently as it hit all time highs. Many are blaming the trade war with China. Others are blaming Trump's comments on Amazon. The truth is, regardless of the president, this had to happen. This is what vast manipulation does. This is what heavy centralization by central banks will do. This is the result of investor confidence with lack of actual fundamental value. The continued insolvency of the banks. Reaching hockey stick highs, peaking and having no where to go but down.

Sure, the fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the markets, so we cannot say when the crash or collapse will happen, but we know it will indeed happen. It has to. This is why we must prepare ourselves and be self sufficient and financially responsible.

The solutions are there, one must simply first understand the problems to apply the solutions.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this issue. Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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Keep stacking. Cheers

It’s coming soon. Due they wait till after tax refunds to try to get that money first? Or is it this Monday April 9th.... the 99th day of the year.

Do you remember the 33rd day of the year? Dow down -666 points. 33 + 66 = 99....

You know they love their numerology 👍

Did a guy that works for Tesla, preferred Edison's approach?
Thanks for letting me know.
Keep up the nerdiness.

Sure, the fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the markets, so we cannot say when the crash or collapse will happen, but we know it will indeed happen. It has to. This is why we must prepare ourselves and be self sufficient and financially responsible.
Yes, it will definitely happen because everything is falling apart and like you said, we have to be self confidence and financially responsible. Thanks for those words of creating awareness.

Invest in yourself .

Thanks a lot for this great post,,,,,,I'm impressed

very helpful information.thanks for sharing.

interesting post once again thanks for sharing your knowledge :)

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