New Book DESTROYS Myths About The Canadian Economy - A MUST Read!

in #money8 years ago

new book destroys canadian economy myths thumbnail.png

In this video, I sit down with author and economic analyst John Sneisen @TheEconomicTruth to talk about his new book "Canada, The Greatest Economy In The World? The Facts You Are Not Being Told About Your Money And How To Protect Yourself From The Coming Crises".


John has been piecing this book together for a couple of years, compiling the most NEED TO KNOW information regarding the Canadian economy and markets as people falsely claim the Canadian economy is world renowned and inspirational.
In this video, John breaks down the chapters of the book in 13 points and why you should buy the book which really revolutionizes the mainstream understanding of the Canadian economy.

There's nothing like this book out there on the Canadian economy and it's already making the rounds as an Amazon Best Seller in the Macroeconomics section, beating out John Maynard Keynes and Kenneth Rogoff.

See the FULL video here:

You can find the book here:

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Josh - good work mate! Awareness always starts in the dark corners with initiatives like these from brave souls like you!

I believe that many people in Canada may be blinded by the rising prices of their houses, hard to see any issues when your wealth appears to be growing annually.

Like in Cryptoverse, when you see vertical growth without intermittent corrections, that is a sign of CRASH. Just like I said about EOS on day 2 when it was flying at $6 that it will come down to $1 for those interested in buying...

Same goes true for economy as well. If you see any market's charts from last crash - they have been maintaining a rather steep vertical line of growth, this is a classic sign of market being manipulated by BIG Whales (players)!

Diversification is the key to saving ourselves (from a ex-CIA): Farming/RE Rental/Gold-metals and now Crypto!

Look at this news that shows BTC is geared to enter traditional financial systems!

Uhh, not just Canada, but that's an understatement. We are about to lead the way into the greatest financial collapse the world has ever seen. Also, a house is not wealth, it's debt in most cases. So that argument is moot.

Another good one, thanks!

good video

Nice video

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My government has been telling me that Australia is, "The Greatest Economy In The World" what gives can't both be the greatest? LOL

The mining boom is over, oil prices are down (which impact Canada's exports), Trudae is racking up deficits, and Canada is getting recession inducing climate change policy.

And on top of all that, there's the housing bubble along with it's unsustainable debt.

hi@josh,, nice work................
upvoted you