I'm All In! Part 5
As always, this is NOT financial advice. These are the rantings of a nobody waiting on his moonshot, 100% on tilt!
After a very depressing week in crypto, I was hoping the week would end out on an increase in volume with the expiration of those Wall Street deals they had going but everything seems stagnant. I'm still up considerably but a lot of my coins have seen major corrections. I'm not a panic seller so I'm just staying calm and carrying on.
Still HODLing
but this week I also made the plunge, finally, back into the stock market! I bought into an oil ETF with the intention of only holding it for about two months.

I bought into DRIP as it's direct inverse, GUSH, reached it's peak. I bought in on DRIP at $9.47 a share, near the absolute bottom! Literally by the end of the day it started it's ascent. There was a little pull back on Friday but I'm expecting it to be in the neighborhood of $18 in the next month, at which time I'll likely sell and put everything into GUSH.
Despite a stagnant crypto market and TONS of Fear Uncertainty and Doubt circulating around the crypto-sphere, I'm staying focused on my investments. I'll hodl as long as I have to and direct my attention to stocks in the meantime.
Stay frosty, my friends!
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
Thanks for viewing!

Just Hold Bro just hodl 😎 I will upvote your post..
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