RE: Washington Prepares For EMP While Internet Under Attack Since Transfer to the UN
Those who sent Berwick what appears to be (in Berwick's own words (below)) millions of dollars for Berwick's Mexico passport scam more than likely won't pursue him in court, because they more than likely don't want to be tied to someone like Berwick, or to his Mexico passport scam. It's like a crack addict running to the police because his/her dealer shorted him/her on their purchase. It doesn't happen.
I will provide the conversations, testimonies, emails and documents from Berwick's victims, but I will also protect their identities. Berwick, and those who collude with him, don't like that. They want their victims to feel intimidated. I know from first hand experience. I protect my clients identities and information, but Berwick, and his cohorts who harmed me, and Galt's Gulch, had zero care about such things. Why? Because people like them only care about what they can get out of something, no matter the cost to others. Cheers.
Grifter Johnson has been promising to come forward with all kinds of evidence for YEARS. We're still waiting.
How about making public the Galt's Gulch Chile accounting records and all legal documents as you told the GGC investors? Where's the cooperation and transparency you claim you're committed to?
The GGC Recovery Team made our spread sheets public, unlike the lying grifter Kenneth Dale Johnson, the thief of Galt's Gulch Chile.