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RE: Why I Left Canada and Became A Citizen of the Dominican Republic

in #money9 years ago (edited)

I am a Canadian born living still in Canada and I share much of the same beliefs as you. Being middle aged of modest income with a family I don't feel leaving is an option, so I hope for the best and hope that one day attitudes will begin to change in Canada and USA.

It's often depressing to see 1/2 of your income taken away by sanctioned theft. The communist ideals are becoming more mainstream in Canada. True free thinking individuals are becoming rarer here in Canada.

Canadians tend to rally around a culture of perceived moral superiority over Americans and that blinds us to how we are being swindled of our freedom in the very same manner. Thanks for sharing!


Leaving is an option. Panama has cheap and easy residency, awesome economy, lots of freedom. Sell your overvalued house and get out :)

I agree that leaving is an option, but I surely would not choose Panama to go to.... search on Youtube for videos on Panama City and Colon... see for yourself... also the weather is really shitty... almost always rainy... thats how the Canal gets its water... there are better and much cheaper options in Latinamerica...

No expats live in Colon lol. Check out Coronado, where it almost never rains at the beach, or Boquete in the mountains with springlike temps all year

The azuero peninsula of panama is home to one of the few tropical dry forests, getting less than 39 inches per yr of rain.

So 1 meter of rain you call dry?! Poor children who would drown there! ;)

I agree there's always options, but with a family and perhaps a spouse who's not on the same page regarding such things - leaving would likely involve breaking up a marriage and leaving behind my children and its just not worth it any longer. I'm resolved to toughing it out I suppose.

"Canadians tend to rally around a culture of perceived moral superiority over Americans and that blinds us to how we are being swindled of our freedom in the very same manner."

This is so true. You phrased it really well.

Good for you. So are you still going to use the health care system of Canada by returning to Canada every 6 months? Are you going to educate your children there? I've been to the Dominican Republic and the mix of people are very easy on the eyes. Good looking men, women, and transexuals - there is something for everyone. You'd be a catch for anyone you set your sights on. Finally, there IS subtle racism there. DR people dislike Haitians with whom they share the island. Anyone even remotely looking Haitian is not treated well. Lastly, beware of huriccane season which you are in right now. It lasts from May to the end of November every year.

You seem to be a strong willed person. Everyone has their own beliefs, but for various reasons, many people can not stick to it, give up the. For your persistence!

Jeff & Freeinthought,
Do you see any advantages of being a Canadian citizen over a U.S. citizen? I am currently in the United States, but near the border. If these are your only two options, which would you choose?

Well its a hard question to answer. Both countries are very similar in the direction they are headed. Canada may have some advantages such as larger land area and lower population. We tend to have a 'polite' culture. Certain things are not tolerated as much such as overly violent reactions of the state. Perhaps this is due to the general aversion to guns. This of course has it's down side though. Guns are increasingly demonized here and it's much easier for authorities to sell more gun control policies.

I'm biased as a Canadian so I would personally stick with Canada if given a choice. However there's clear advantages to the USA. Keep in mind both are still pretty similar in the end when it comes to encroachment on rights and freedoms. Toss us.

Hey, im a free thinking canadian as well :)