Steem Can Help Grow My Farm

I'd like to conduct a little experiment in crowdfunding on Steemit. I'm currently developing a mushroom farm in Central North Carolina and I'm hoping that the fine folks of Steemit can help me realize my vision for this project. Specifically, I want to expand our capacity to produce solar power. A big part of why Steemit is so amazing is because it is such a huge step toward decentralizing both social media and currency, so why not help me decentralize food and energy in the real world!!! :) You can donate Steem directly, or simply upvote my post.
Whatever Steem/Steem Dollar earnings result from this I will convert to USD and use to purchase more solar infrastructure. I'll document the process and post updates. How awesome would it be to watch a small chunk of the Steem economy find it's way into the real economy!?! Let's show the world the power of Steem, YAY!

So why should you support my farm? Well, for one it's super easy! All you have to do is upvote! Duh! Unlike platforms like Go Fund Me or Kickstarter, there's no need to put your money on the line. WOW! Is there any aspect of social media Steemit can't revolutionize?
Anyway, I'll give you a few more reasons to support us. My farm seeks to explore ways we can efficiently produce food in ways which actually have positive ecological impact. We take a waste product (trees and limbs local tree services need to dispose of and would otherwise take to the dump), and we turn them into nutritious delicious foods we distribute locally. Unlike many agricultural ventures, we don't start by clear-cutting to make way for crops. I grow my mushrooms within existing forest systems, making a resource out of these highly beneficial ecological systems which already exist. Because I utilize forests to produce mushrooms, oxygen and carbon sequestration are both a byproduct of my industry; however producing mushrooms requires electricity (power tools, refrigeration, spawn production, irrigation, etc.) and increasing our solar capacity would be a huge milestone in reducing our ecological footprint.
A video a friend of mine made about my project
Also, check out our FB page.
Upvoted merely for the idea that one could use steemit as a crowd-funding platform as well.
Right? I think there is massive potential. :)
I support this project. I'm in for renewable energy like solar power can help reduce the global warming. Let's Steemit and crowdfund this project.
Yes! Let's make it happen!
I have an Oyster mushroom farm in my back yard.
Nice! Mushrooms are awesome creatures. I'm doing shitake at the moment and I want to dive into lion's mane shortly. Those are so delicious!