The Only True Way to Negotiate with Credit Card Companies - Introduction

in #money7 years ago

Are You Really Ready to be Debt Free?

So here you are, mired in credit card debt. How did this happen? More importantly, how will you pay all these bills with their escalating interest rates? And if you really want to lose sleep at night, consider what the future holds – endless calls from collection agencies, a destroyed credit rating, and maybe even bankruptcy.


You could really beat yourself up about this, but don’t. You did nothing wrong. That’s right. YOU are not to blame! This is how the credit card game is played; only no one told you the rules. The simple truth is, the credit card system is so stacked against you that you CAN’T win. Unless you pay off your credit card balance immediately after each purchase, with each swipe of your card, you’re falling deeper and deeper into credit card hell. Credit card companies have only one goal, which is to make as much money as possible before the gig is up. The politically incorrect term for this behavior is GREED. Why else would they raise interest rates on once-loyal customers falling behind on their payments?

Welcome to the credit card game, one of the most brilliant scams of our time, where credit card companies have somehow managed to make the financial ruin of their customers not only legal, but prosperous. Through outrageously high interest rates, annual fees, usage fees, over- the- limit fees, late fees and penalties, credit card companies have positioned themselves to take all your money. Remember, there are no morals in this credit card game, just winners and losers. They want to take all of your money, and you want to hold on to all of your money. They will do anything to get your money, and you need to be able to do anything to keep your money. It’s time to learn how the banks play.


One way the banks try to grab your money is by changing your interest rate. Did you know it’s completely legal for a credit card company to charge an interest rate of 79.9%? Don’t believe me? Google “First Premiere Bank Card 79.9%” and see what some of their customers are paying. And boy do they have fees, too. Wonder how many of them will default? And when they default, and millions of other people default due to the shaky economy, will the banks get another huge taxpayer-funded bailout? You bet they will, and then it will be business as usual. But this time, you won’t be their victim!

In this series of articles, you’ll learn about some credit card laws that are on YOUR side. And you’ll get tips on how to respond to the harassment and fear tactics that credit card companies and collection agencies use to drain your funds. Knowledge is power, so soak it up, pass it on, and get ready to rid your life of credit card debt and misery!


So let’s get started. I will describe 6 simple steps for beating the credit card and collection companies. These steps are techniques that I have used to settle thousands of dollars worth of debt for 20 cents on the dollar. And you can do this, too. Especially now, when the economy is in a horrible recession, and people are not paying their bills. They are sick of spending all of their income on gas, insurance, and food. All of which have gone up in price due to inflation and greed. And this trend will continue to go on as long as the Federal Reserve keeps printing out money to pay for our country’s wars and debts. So as the dollar continues to decline in value, inflation rises, and the cost of goods goes up. Inflation is the worst tax there is because it really beats up the poor and middle class. The end result is what we have now, a negative savings economy. When you factor in the amount spent on credit cards, people are actually spending more money than they make in a year. This type of lifestyle was unheard of several decades ago. People had savings back then and a higher standard of living. Nowadays, people have little if any money in savings and loads of debt.

This debt based system is designed to keep us slaves to the big central banks. And it is working. Have you ever used a credit card to pay for rent or even another credit card bill? Or, have you sold items on Ebay, just to pay credit card bills? Then you know what I’m talking about. In fact, your own government does this same exact thing. Why? Because there is not enough money in circulation to pay for all of its debts. Each time private central banks like the Federal Reserve print off money, they are basically giving out a loan plus interest that our government has to pay back. So more money has to be loaned out to
pay for the previous loan plus interest. That’s exactly what happens when you adopt a debt based currency provided by private central banks, which is what happened under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Here is how it works. Let’s say a new government needs money, $1 billion to be exact. Since only the Federal Reserve can print out and regulate the value of this money, the new government must sell $1 billion worth of treasury bonds, or IOU’s, in exchange for the newly created money (Federal Reserve Notes), which is also worth $1 billion. The bonds act as security for the new loan. Interest is owed on
this newly printed money, which means this loan can never be fully paid off. $1 billion dollars plus interest is owed, but there is only $1 billion dollars in circulation. This means the new government will always be in debt to the bankers no matter how much money they create.


And if the bankers can control the debt of a nation, they can control everything. They can control the politicians, foreign policy, and your livelihood. Remember, the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. And corporations do what makes them the most money, regardless of who gets hurt. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at every war our country entered since 1913, or take a look at every economic recession, depression, bailout, or inflationary period our country has had to endure. The Federal Reserve has profited from our country’s hardships time and time again. They will do anything in their power to force the government to borrow more money.

There is, however, a small but significant silver lining to this story. The good news is the credit card companies and banks are now feeling some of this pain, too. People just don’t have the money to pay their bills anymore. And the banks are now having to write off billions of dollars of unpaid debt. This ultimately means better deals for you and me. Just take a look at HSBC, for example. They had to get out of the store branded credit card game in the USA because it was no longer profitable due to the poor economic conditions here. They sold the loans for around $32.7 billion to Capital One, while cutting thousands of jobs. Credit card companies can’t sue everyone, so they have to make deals with the consumer if they want to get paid.

The next article begins with step 1. Stop payment on your credit cards in order to gain REAL LEVERAGE with the big banks. This system is not very pretty, but it works if you are ready to play the game of debt elimination. Subscribe to my feed so you don't miss it. It's coming soon.