Make More MONEY on Steemit

in #money9 years ago

<center> Make More MONEY on Steemit! </center>


Have I got your attention?  It's an ancient ploy, I know.  It and other's like it drove me away from television in the seventies and drove me away from FaceBook recently.  I'm speaking of advertising.  Let me pontificate about it for a moment.

When television first arrived on the scene I was but a young lad (the fifties) the concept of moving pictures all by itself were enough to get my attention.  I used to watch hours and hours of westerns and pretty much anything else that was 'on the toob'. (I must admit I never liked 'I Love Lucy' ....there were limits, even then). 

Things changed. I don't know but I assume that the advertising agencies got greedy.  They were no longer satisfied with a few minutes between shows for  "a few words from our sponsors", they started breaking into shows.  They broke up the continuity.  They took more and more time.  I dunno what it is now (like I said I quit watching TV in the Seventies) but I imagine that an 'hour show' has about half an hour of commercials.

The same thing with magazine.  Used to be magazines such as Popular Science, Scientific American, Life, Look, etc. contained articles.  I could spend a fair amount of time reading the articles in Playboy for example.  

Then they too, were overcome by the need for ad revenue. (I suppose. Why else would they give up content for mindless aggravation?)  Some magazines, such as RedBook and Good Housekeeping were just about ALL ADS.  Why bother to even buy them?

So I didn't.

I bought books.  No ads in books.

Along came the nineties.  This new thing called the internet.   There were 'sites', Blogs, ChatRooms and AOL.  It was interesting until mean advertising destroyed all the charm.  Facebook today is the same way. It's damn near impossible to concentrate on ANY subject without being interrupted by a damn ad.

Hmmmmm.  Do you suppose that's why the younger generation has the attention span of a gnat?

No matter.  Advertising agencies and those who employ them foul in their own nests. After a (short) time the nests (blogs, InterNet sites, etc) are too disgusting to even visit.

I particularly HATE (not nearly a strong enough word) Pop-Ups!  I despise them.  

In response to this rude and vile behavior a LOT of people have resorted to 'Ad Blockers'.  I know that I certainly have.  In  response to AdBlockers the vile and disgusting purveyors of advertising have resorted to other tactics.  They even insert ads in the TEXT. They're sneaky about it too.  If done skillfully, (and they are nothing if not skillful. They're rude, crude, nasty and disgusting but they're skillful. Got to give them that. ) you don't know you that you're reading and ad until you're a good ways into it.

Back in the day. When I was perturbed excessively by what I read in a paperback or a magazine, I'd throw it against a wall.  My poor laptop has come VERY damn close to suffering the same ballistic termination.  The cheaper they get, the more likely that is to happen.

That's one aspect of the problem.

Another aspect is that when I WANT something. Say a new car, or a house, or some cigars, it's very damn hard to FIND it on the internet.  Odd that I would say that isn't it?  The advertising agencies (or who EVER the hell they are) have damn near covered up the internet with ads.  Shirley there are ads about cars)

Don't call me Shirley.

There is and there ain't. The ads compete with EACH OTHER to get my attention in such away that they are useless. When I can't find something fairly easily...I google. Screw the ads.

The problem is money.  Oddly enough we all need money to survive. (I still need my cigars).  Steemit needs money too.  Therefore ads.  How to reconcile the problem?

IF Steemit were to allow Ads I'd STRONGLY recommend keeping them under very tight control. Think of ads as a sewer.  Everyone needs a toilet but no one wants it in their kitchen.  Keep ads away from general consumption and polite company.  

I'd humbly suggest a menu item.  "Ads"

Over the decades I've found that if 'something' (were speaking of advertising) comes looking for me it's usually excretion.  If they want ME I don't want THEM.  If I want something I'll go look for it myself.  When I find it I expect the information I'm after to be readily available and easy to understand.  HONEST.  If there is geek-speek, baffle-gab, and typical dishonesty I move on)

I would suspect that AdRevenue would benifit Steem as a whole.  

Rant Over


My Facebook Page gets about 3 ads
In right column
I Do Not have a mass following on Facebook

I wonder how sustainable internet advertising is. It's getting spread thinner as there are so many sites out there and there have to be limits on how much money is available for it. Ads do not make money directly. You need people to buy stuff. It will be interesting if the Steemit model can work without ads. It completely bucks the general trend. Perhaps they could be an opt-in if we could earn more by seeing them.

I wonder how many people share my aversion to ads?

A lot of ads are a form of spam. I do see some that are for things I might want, but it's extremely rare that an ad makes me want to buy something

Me neither. I consider them to be an aggravating, insulting imposition upon my time. I quit watching TV due to ads and have ad blocking software on my computer..

As far as ads...anything that comes looking for ME is suspect and to be avoided. It probably does NOT have my best interests in mind. If I want something I'll go looking for IT. I love google search. Oddly enough a great many business/ products are deceitful and try to disguise/hide what they are and what they have to sell. I don't suspect they like independent reviews much.