How to spot a PYRAMID SCHEME.
This evening my friend and I were invited to attend a "seminar" in a persons house for an amazing "business opportunity". The fact that it was held in somebodies lounge room should have been an instant RED FLAG but being the open minded humans we are, we decided to go check it out anyway in case there was a chance to actually make some serious money off a legitimate company.
So off we go on a drive, that took 40 minutes mind you, to a house located in a moderately fancy and upper-middle class suburban area. The first thing that I noticed after arrival was the fact that there were only 4 other people there. Now I'm not the smartest person when it comes to business but even I know that a proper and concrete business DOES NOT hold seminars in a fucking lounge room with only 4 people. This had me questioning their every move from there on.
After swapping hands with these faceless snakes, we all sat down to watch a slide show presentation. Before that however, they required us to fill out a survey. Some bullshit about phone plans and how much we were paying a month, blah-fucking-blah. Now being the skeptic that I am, I was incredibly reluctant to do so. No doubt the fact that I did will come back and bite me right in the ass.
Anyway, the presentation continued. I will be honest, it DID start out like it was going to be a promising business opportunity. Displaying how it would be the "new face" of telecommunications and energy throughout the new world. Something about how if you joined up you would be rubbing shoulders with the top billionaires. People who I in fact loath beyond reason. Anyone who holds that type of money and doesn't use it to help underprivileged people is a true product of Satan (If he truly even exists). But that's for another time, back to the task at hand. Some other shit about how you would be paid every time someone used an eftpos transaction and also every time someone "signed up" to the company.
This was sounding more and more dodgy by the minute. My homie had already completely lost interest and was trading Forex on his phone throughout the majority of the presentation. He's not a silly man that's for damn sure. BUT THEN CAME THE BOMBSHELL, "All this wealth and success can be yours if you pay us a small fee of $500 AU." GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. Red lights flashing; danger zone; RED ALERT. I should have known this was a Ponzi as soon as I entered the establishment. Sure enough as soon as the presentation had reached it's drawn out end, both my friend and myself gathered our things and made a move towards the door. Fuck this shit we agreed, nothing but con artists. FUCK SOCIETY.
I guess the moral of the story is to NEVER trust a greasy looking, half bald man in a cheap suit who promises you gold and jewels. But more importantly trust your gut feelings from the very beginning. The world is full of snakes trying to bite you so avoid the long grass or light that mother fucker up.

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Duly noted my man, cheers for the heads up.
To be honest I think it's really interesting to join and to see what these people are doing and learn the beginning steps. To see the manipulation their doing. At least I've been on a pyramid scheme thing of a bigger company. It really did surprise how they manipulate on level one normally doesn't notice until it's to late. I was lucky because I've tried something similiar once and knew some points but still I learned a lot.
They also explained to us that manipulating a good thing and so on. It's unbelievable. haha.
Nice post.