Money really is Power

in #money7 years ago

Money is power directly or indirectly however you view the subject. If you have money you have influence and influence can give you the world. If you disagree I urge you to try and let me change your mind.

Scenario 1

You are walking through your local area on your lunch break or just strolling around and you see a homeless person, torn clothes and unwashed, preaching about happiness, how likely do you think you and others are to stop and actually listen? Most people would just walk past avoiding eye contact not even giving his words a chance. Now the homeless person may not say anything insightful however they could share a philosophy that could change your outlook on the subject.

Scenario 2

Donald trump is running for president saying, lets just go with, debatable statements. He is promoting a significant amount of anger and violence through what he is preaching (directly or indirectly) and much more so than the majority of political leaders. Then through all of this he wins the election.

And why does he win? Because over the years he has gained notoriety and influence because of the vast sums of money he has. He also gained the position of being in politics because of his money.

Now why is the homeless person ignored and the rich person listened to, because of the money involved, people think this person has no money what could they tell me that I don't know and then they see the rich person and think they can give me useful knowledge. A blatant bias that shows a lot about society.

My opinion:

Personally I do want, and am trying, to become wealthy however I have no interest in the money itself and keeping it but rather what it facilitates. Money itself is nothing, what is a piece of paper actually worth, its power is completely in what it represents and what it facilitates. I also don't think money is that important, it really should come second to many things in life, happiness, health, family and friends are a few things that are much more important.

It makes you think why do we put peoples faces on money?

Do you think money is power or do you have a differing opinion, Comment, Vote and follow.


I think most people are listening to the money because that is what they've been taught. Most probably don't know what currency really is, how it works, and that we're all (most are) modern slaves because of it .

If we all knew the truth about currency, it wouldnt matter how much money you have and that homeless man might be heard because of what he's saying, not by his wallet.

I completely agree, in the modern world we are salves to money as the power of money is enforced upon us throughout the time we spend in formal education.