Terrible Trends Mount at End of Jubilee Year: World Leaders Gather in Israel, Yuan added to SDR, Deutsche Bank on Brink

October 2nd at midnight marks the end of the Jubilee Year. The once-every-49 year Jubilee has been an incredibly turbulent year. It began in January of this year when worldwide stock markets had their worst beginning to the year in history.
Then, on June 24th, the day after Brexit, recorded the worst one day drop in worldwide stock markets in history. And, interestingly, that day was exactly 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks and 7 days since the end day of the Shemitah in 2008 which recorded the largest point drop on the Dow in history, of 777 points.
The number 7, of course, is intimately tied to the once-every-7 year Shemitah. There isn’t much historically conclusive data on the Jubilee and the stock market so we’ve just been watching to see what transpired during the Jubilee Year, while expecting massive volatility.
The Jubilee this year is on a Sunday, so we do not expect a market crash on that day… as stock markets are closed. However, there is an extremely interesting and bizarre confluence of events happening this Jubilee weekend.
Here are the main ones.
Shimon Peres Funeral In Israel
The one thing the Jubilee is inextricably tied to are events in Israel. The last two Jubilee years had major events occur in Israel. In 1967, Israel won the 6 day war (and they rested on the 7th). And in 1918, Jerusalem was conquered by the British Empire.
And so, it is of great interest that, on this Jubilee weekend, almost every major Western governmental leader is in Israel.

Barack Obama delivered the eulogy. The funeral drew delegations from 75 countries and such figures as former President Bill Clinton, President François Hollande of France, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico and King Felipe VI of Spain.
We’ve predicted and commented on the list of strange occurrences happening this weekend (below) but what are the odds that on this particular weekend, most of the elites would end up gathered in Israel?
Yuan SDR Inclusion
On Saturday, the Chinese yuan or “renminbi” will be officially added to the International Monetary Fund’s “Special Drawing Rights” (SDR) basket of currencies. This means that the currency will be recognized as an international reserve currency… with China labeled by banking elites as an advanced or “developed” market, which is part of a bigger power shift away from the West and toward Asian countries.
We’ve long speculated that this date, the day before the end of the Jubilee Year, was chosen as a statement that globalization is moving forward and that China will be pegged to supplant the West. What is unclear is how this will affect the currency markets starting next week. It’s also of interest that it is being done on a weekend, which is typically when events that could shutter markets take place.
It is interesting that Deutsche Bank is in dire straights as we enter into the Jubilee weekend. It should also be noted that numerous countries, including Germany, have national holidays where banks will be closed on Monday.
Internet Globalization
On Saturday, unless something unforeseen happens, the US will hand over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or (ICANN) to a multilateral body called the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) which effectively relinquishes US control of the Internet.
As with the inclusion of the Chinese yuan happening on Jubilee weekend, we think this is also a statement from the elites that power is being taken away from the US and being given to the UN. The idea is to expand the power of the UN; preparatory to making it the true repository of world government.
World War 3 in Syria
The last Jubilee Year occurred during the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War that the Israelis fought to reclaim Jerusalem. The Middle East’s warring has done nothing but expand in the intervening decades. Now, with the war in Syria, the major powers are continually drawn in, especially Russia, which is beginning to confront NATO and the US directly.
The US and Russia had come to a ceasefire agreement over Syria, however US fighter jets attacked a Syrian airbase in Deir al-Zour, killing 62 Syrian government troops and injuring over 100. The US claimed it was targeting ISIS, but not so... Syrian intelligence even claims to have audio of US commanders coordinating with ISIS ground troops. So much for the US being anti-ISIS.
World Coming to an End
According to reports swirling around ISIS, fighters are preparing for a “Jihadi armageddon” - the upcoming end of the world. The idea is that US troops are circling an ancient town which Muhammad supposedly predicted would be the site of the world’s final battle - and which now looks as if it may be in the center of an upcoming one.
US special forces and Turkish rebel troops are said to be just three miles from the small town of Dabiq, Syria - and according to the Prophet Muhammad, “the final hour will not come” until an Islamic army defeats “the Romans” in that town. Many of the ISIS fighters interpret the US and Russia as the contemporary versions of the Romans and thus are preparing for a final showdown.
Black Moon
Jihadists aren’t the only ones expecting the world to end. On Friday September 30th, a rare black moon supposedly indicates the nearness of the final apocalypse. A black moon only happens every 32 months. And this black moon has been preceded by something even rarer, a ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse – where the moon falls in line with the earth and the sun above Africa, making it appear as if the sun had darkened.
US/Saudi Relations In Limbo
Congress on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected President Barack Obama's veto of legislation allowing relatives of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, the first veto override of his presidency, just four months before it ends.
The House of Representatives voted 348-77 against the veto, hours after the Senate rejected it 97-1, meaning the "Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act" will become law. The vote was a blow to Obama as well as to Saudi Arabia, one of the United States' longest-standing allies in the Arab world and will certainly have massive repercussions in the coming weeks and months.
Jesuits To Elect New Superior General
The Society of Jesus is to hold the first plenary session of its 36th General Congregation at the Jesuit Curia in Rome on October 3rd, the day after the end of the Jubilee. This is particularly interesting as the Jesuits are known to be key power players in the New World Order and have been shunned and banned from countless countries over the centuries for their nefarious activities.
Certainly we can discern symbolism in its occurrence the day after Jubilee.
This is a very odd confluence of events... all on the Jubilee Weekend. Even if nothing major happens this weekend, pieces have been put into place supporting additional globalism in this Jubilee Year. It should be remembered that if the Jubilee is indeed a “Super Shemitah,” that many past Shemitah crises and collapses, aside from 2001 and 2008, did not fall on the exact end date, but instead occurred in and around that time.
For example, Black Monday, in 1987, where the Dow fell 23% in one day, was about three weeks after the Shemitah end day that year. For now, we’ll wait and see before speculating on any further actions and events. But this is a critical time period harbinging more difficulties - and even catastrophes - to come.
The world’s sociopolitical, economic and military structures are being purposefully collapsed in preparation for a more global organization. Our friend, Max Wright, has set-up a series of emergency conference calls that you can join immediately here if you would like to get more information on how to protect yourself.
And stay tuned to our blog here and subscribe to our newsletter (click here for more) to get the latest news, information, analysis and advice on how to not only survive but profit through the remainder of what we expect to be an insane autumn.

Key Shemitah dates have always corresponded with major Bad Events. And right now there are a ton of Bad Events that are either politically or economically inevitable so it’s reasonable to expect one of those likely suspects on October 2nd.
My guess is that we’ll get something from out of left field, totally unforeseen, the significance of which is only evident in hindsight. Something like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand – no-one could have seen where that would lead.
At this point, whether you believe in the Shemitah or not, the only stupid move is taking no precautions.
What a post!
This is some MAJOR information most of which I am aware of but of which is rare to see especially in such a clear and concise way.
I agree that it may not appear that the shit has hit the fan...The world is operating like normal...Yet major moves are in play and the ripples will be felt soon. There is no denying the significance of the points you made despite whatever conclusions each individual will come to.
I hope everyone is making preparations as this can either be where people loose everything or gain more than ever. Major catastrophes for many are always major wins for others. The people in power know the plays to make so that major chaos can lead to wealth transfer and more power.
Wishing everyone the best~*~
Global elites use occult timelines except that they don't really use occult timelines. Oh well... Time to switch everyone to a new deadline? What's next? The "redemption year" or "Super-Super-Shemitah", that happens only every 7^3=343 years? I you shemitah-roll use enough times, I'm sure your prediction of a global market collapse will end up being right at least once. So I guess we should be subscribing to your newsletter and sending you $$$ to get all the details of how the nefarious elites plan to makes everything crash and bootstrap a new world order (for real this time, no more false alerts)?
:D hope y'all are a fan of your lord and savor Jesus Christ :D
Zombies and jesus!
Dead guy. Dead for three whole days, if you believe the story. Came back. ZOMBIE!
Oh lord please forgive for what we do not know
Well, we know that, no matter what catastrophe awaits this world, there ain't gonna be no invisible omnipotent super-fairies from the sky "dropping by to lend a hand."
Very interesting post . It is quite fascinating how many events fall in line with these two Jewish events. I myself see a massive crash happening towards the end of the year. Thankyou for posting TDR
Thank you for the interesting information
Love your work I started to write on steemit similar topics can you share me work? https://steemit.com/money/@greenman/perfect-storm-next-week-this-stuff-is-so-on-egg-shells-i-am-having-a-hard-time-sleeping-because-of-the-excitement
Thanks for this post dollar vigilante !!
Thanks for the post!
Great post! Very informative. 😊 Hope you recognized my posts soon ☺