Seek Your Independence: Anything Else Will Destroy You

in #money8 years ago

Many people think The Dollar Vigilante is a fear mongering, pessimistic blog.

If you only read our headlines, then I can see how you would feel that way. But things are getting so bad that all we are doing is acknowledging the current state of affairs. The truth hurts.

After we began to analyze Shemitah and then Jubilee timelines, we became even more pessimistic because it was clear that even the deepest economic and military disasters were planned in advance.

Our lives are run by a small group of psychopaths. At least to the degree that we react to world events. The only way out is to plan for ourselves.

But the world, certainly the West, offers us a plethora of solutions. And they get in our way.

Our society has been organized to take away your sociopolitical, economic and military choices. The latest manifestation of this deliberate promotion is the US presidential election.

Hillary is so obviously a tyrant-in-waiting that she is stampeding people toward Donald Trump who seems the lesser of two evils, even though when you examine his rhetoric, he’s no small-government candidate.

Trump is pro-police state, pro-tax (certain taxes), pro-war (certain wars) and generally pro-government. (That’s why he’s running for president after all.)

It’s true, Trump has been doing a courageous job of exposing some of Killary’s crimes and murderous approaches to utilizing political power.

He’s also mentioned how the Fed’s monetary policy decisions are predicated upon political expediency. He’s even suggested that Janet Yellen ought to step down because she is predicating her monetary decisions on boosting the stock market via low interest rates for the remainder or the election, and perhaps beyond.

Janet Yellen and her cohorts support the myth that the economy has recovered under Obama’s presidency - under which Hillary was secretary of state.

But government and central banks will always fail the people because that’s what they were meant to do. The word 'Government' comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means: "to control," and the Latin noun “mens” which means: "mind". In other words, the literal translation of the term is “mind-control”.

In order for the American people or any people for that matter to free their minds, they must first rid themselves of the notion that government is legitimate or in any sense useful. In fact, government never works, or certainly not above one layer.

There are literally millions of regulations and millions of enforcers in Western countries. The sheer size is impressive. But when you begin to examine actual operations, you find almost everything modern governments do is destructive, ruinous and even genocidal.

Anarchy works. Allowing the free-market to make decisions competitively about lifestyle and social solutions is both rational and useful. We live in societies that operate in exactly the opposite way.

Our controllers want that. They need government or they lose control. They put incredible effort into organizing society to remove our ability to control our own lives.

In fact, they don’t forbid it. They simply build a matrix around us that hinders our ability to think about our existence any other way.

Part of that is “voting” in a “democracy.” As if putting someone else in charge of decisions about the way WE ought to live is going to make our lives better. Invariably it doesn’t.

But people will go to the voting booths this fall and vote for who they perceive to be the lesser of two evils… as if that’s how we are supposed to exist. Choosing one evil … or the other.

We’ve long said that Hillary has been preselected by the elites… and therefore, barring a miracle, she will win. But, even if Trump were to win, hardly anything important would change.

The Federal Reserve, one of the biggest causes of today’s problems, will not be shuttered. The War on Drugs, another of the biggest causes of problems in the US today will not end… in fact, it will likely be increased by either candidate.

The IRS will not be closed and all of its employees made examples of in the public square. It will continue its illegal reign of terror, extracting trillions from people who are already in debt because the economy has been destroyed by central bank monetary debasement.

The War of Terror will not end. Hillary wants to expand the war - which she helped start. If she has her way, she’ll position the US to confront Russia in short order.

Trump seems hell bent on “defeating ISIS”, but if he doesn’t know that ISIS is actually the CIA then he is stupider than he sounds. And if he does know then he is just pushing forward the same militaristic aggression that has been going on for decades, destroying the world and bankrupting the US.

Just look back to 2008. So many people thought Barack O’Bomber, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and first black President would solve all the racial issues in the US. What has happened? It is worse than ever as black people are basically shot for sport on the streets.

O’Bomber was championed as the one who would end war. And what happened? More wars than George Bush could even dream of, including additional conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya… plus new frontiers of genocide in Syria, Yemen and, of course, Ukraine.

So, even if Donald gets in, would anything major change? Nope.

The reason is that it isn’t one person who conducts all this mayhem. It is an entire, deeply imbedded system that is never elected nor voted on. It just continues to impoverish the US, create wars and imprison more people than any other country in the history of the world.

But, here is the optimistic part.

After Ron Paul was robbed of any chance at the Presidency in 2012, a great swathe of people turned their back on the entire system. The anarchist/voluntaryist movement grew exponentially. This can be seen in the growth of the world’s largest anarcho-capitalist conference, Anarchapulco (to be held again in February 2017 - click here for more).

Even after “feel the Bern” Sanders sold out his massive, uneducated following, many of them turned their back on the system - and Hillary as an alternative too.

Listening to Trump’s ever-changing rhetoric, it’s become obvious he’s not a small-government libertarian. If he wins, most people will realize nothing important will change. They may turn their backs on him as well as Hillary.

This is our only hope. A deeply rooted repudiation of politicians and the political system. The complete dismantling of the US federal government, in other words, returning power back to the 50 states, for a period, before dismantling those too.

It shouldn’t stop until it has reached the optimal level possible. If something someone wants to do has an impact on your life or prosperity, you should have a direct say in it.

Why is the US federal government at war in Syria? Is this something you deem important? Do you want your children dying in Damascus?

And what about monetary issues? Are you happy the Fed has debased the dollar to a mere two cents over its century of operations and bankrupted millions of seniors via ruinously low interest rates.

Get rid of government as much as is realistically possible. Just getting rid of modern, bloodsucking federal governments would immediately cause an economic boom of unheard of proportions as people throughout the West suddenly could keep most of the money they earned.

Hundreds of thousands of new job creating-companies would pop up - probably offering real goods and services instead of Barbie Dolls and velcro sneakers. Innovation would be tremendous. The entire citizenry would gradually recover from its current prostrate and bankrupt state.

Wars would cease. Peace would return. Money would become money again, with gold, silver and cryptocurrencies ensuring that price inflation would stop. We’d enter into a period of peace and prosperity that would forever be remembered as the beginning of a beautiful new era.

However, if that were to happen, the old, fasco-communist system in the US would have to completely collapse… and that will entail a massive collapse.

This collapse, in fact, is inevitable. It has been engineered via central bank interest rate destruction. It is only a matter of time until everything collapses around us except for wars which will rage more madly than ever.

Here at TDV, we are closely monitoring the madness that passes for our current civil society. We are tracking Shemitah Trends that persist even after the end date of the formal Shemitah and Jubilee.

Our research continues to show various optimal times when catastrophic collapses may occur, along with expanding wars that may lead to World War III.

We monitor Shemitah options on an ongoing basis and via our blogs and especially our newsletter where we alert you to the latest ruinous trends - and destructive possibilities. Not only do we alert you, but via the tremendous insights of our senior analyst Ed Bugos, we and our subscribers have profited tremendously.

If you want to subscribe, please do so HERE. Whether you subscribe or not, do whatever you can to increase your wealth and the resources you have access to including food, water, land and appropriate weapons for self defense.

Your entire society has been organized to take choices away from you. But don’t be lulled into thinking it is for your own good. Just look at where the world is today and imagine how much worse it is going to be tomorrow.

Don’t participate. Gather your resources and live as independently as possible. It is literally a matter of life and death.


lol. what a fucking joke

The word 'Government' comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means: "to control," and the Latin noun “mens” which means: "mind". In other words, the literal translation of the term is “mind-control”.

You were so close. The word comes from the root verb govern, "to be in command," originally from the Greek kybernan meaning "to steer or pilot a ship, direct as a pilot," and thus shifted figuratively to "to guide." The suffix -ment is used to nominalize a verb. It's completely different from the latin mens.

My upvote bot had me voting for you at 100% because you're inexplicably one of the highest-paid authors on Steemit. Fortunately I found the vote it cast for you and was able to remove it in time before your article paid out. I'm continually dismayed at how much you get paid for your anti-semitistic fear profiteering. It's shameful, and I don't want any part of it. I'm sure your ego will be glad to know that you're the first account that I will write into my bot's do-not-vote list. Congrats!

exactly how is pointing out Shemitah and Jubilee trends anti-Semitic? maybe the ruling elites just want to pin their evil on the Jews by using their calendar for their misdeeds. wouldn't be the first time.

Was going to ask the same thing lol - how is this anti-semitistic?

Semite definition:

a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language i.e. Arabic and Hebrew

Screen Shot 2016-10-16 at 5.11.10 pm.png

When people say something nasty about an Arab speaking person is that not also anti-semetic?

Please point out how TDV's post was anti-semetic?

Some people are far to defensive and quick to pull out that old chestnut. I'm reminded of the boy who cried wolf - it begins to wear thin after a while, and that is not anti-semetic either.

Let's keep it real please!

so he basically believes in that Zionist Occupied Government stuff that was made up by neo-nazi skinhead bands.


@dollarvigilante, thank you for introducing me to steemit. Jeff, Steem On Dude!

Just wanted to add: In my view no man should ever never date a single mother, its hurting the child or children alot!! Its something that people have not talked about for many the whole human kind, its time to stop this. Its a new moralic principal that I support 100%. No man should NEVER EVER date a single mother. More about it in my future posts/videos.

@lasseehlers You can't be serious? What you think about dating a single mother is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard. Please tell me you are not serious.

We will have to agree to disagree on this topic. You can watch my future videos on the topic later if you like. I am not looking for a discussion with people that dont support this moral principal.

Steem on!


I am with @runridefly here, Thank you Jeff (@dollarvigilante) for introducing me to Steemit!

I think the only topic I dont agree with you about, is the single mother topic. Everything else (or almost everything) you talk about, I agree with.

When you believe in Jesus, you don't need to spend one single moment worrying about the future and what it holds.

I Would Have To Agree With You

Wow! You guys like to bitch don't you!! All the peace and love anarchy bullshit goes right out the window when someone disagrees with you doesn't it. Lighten the fuck up!!!

Hey Jeff! I think you're spot on when it comes to calling out the powers that be. I was so pumped to watch you and Rudkowski invade Bilderberg! As far as what the future holds, it is so hard to tell. You may be right. I am preparing for the worst. But I also think about what we can do if enough people wake up and we decide to make some real changes like Ron Paul would have done. It is because of you, that I have become aware of so many anarchists and of steemit. Thank you!

Anyway, I think, the present time is much more free and full of opportunities than all times people knew before. Yes, still a lot of bag things are going on, but... Can anybody remember time that was better? 30th? 40th?50th?60th? Your version?