Luke Rudkowski: Sheds Light On Suspicious Actions Of Google And Domineering Media

in #money8 years ago

I just had Luke Rudowski on Anarchast to talk about what he’s been up to recently. One of the things we discussed was just how censored Luke had been and continues to be by Facebook and Youtube.

Luke touched upon some of his suspicions as to what is going on as well as his concerns regarding the closeness of large companies such as Google to US government alphabet agencies.

I pointed out how the root of the problem is the government and central bank support of those kinds of multinational conglomerates through a number of different means.

Luke thinks there could be more to the problem than that.

But in my opinion, if we just eradicated the most immoral and controlling entities, we would see prosperity on earth like we’ve never known it.

You will want to watch the full interview below so you don’t miss all the important news regarding google blacklisting and what the free market’s reaction has been to this kind of internet censorship.


Highly recommend checking out the STEALTH technology that is being integrated into Bitshares. Three second transactions at up to 180,000 transactions per second... absolutely private, untraceable, blinded. Think about 100% private economies that can scale to 100x what Visa or Mastercard currently do (globally) where guys like Luke could be funded and banked with absolute privacy from censorship and seizure. Imagine how many more people would support alt media if they knew they could do so without fear of reprisal, how many more journalists would create content if they could get paid in absolute privacy and how many more alt media outlets would flourish if they could generate revenue and pay bills/salaries without having to go through fiat banks. Bitshares is making it happen right now...

wow! I did not know bitshares was doing that. They really should start advertising more or something. I have used and been to their site before but I swear I do not ever see any advertisements on reddit or facebook or anything like that.
If they are truly doing what you described they should be spending thousands per week to reach people! That is great!

I am so glad decentralized money (people trust networks) are HERE to stay. I can't imagine a world with out them now.


I believe it's essential we steer steemit away from behaving like Google. I think the downvoting is a version of censorship and whales have too much power, not dissimilar to what's happening with google. Inflammatory knee jerk response material like citing paedophile images are used as the excuse for censorship just in the same way the main stream screams paedophiles or terrorists as an excuse for censorship/surveillance.
The end result of the downvoting/flagging that I've witnessed is people downvoting or flagging content that simply disagrees with their views. This isn't child porn or terrorism! The downvoting flagging system mirrors the tryanny of the mass opinion we see in Wikipedia and censored society - often an opinion drip-fed by MSM with no real foundation as they have censored history and science to suit their mandate. Steemit needs to be different.
I agree with Luke. Corporations control government and we should be very wary. I agree with Jeff. Get rid of centralised government and the Corporations have no puppets to bribe, push their agenda and protect their operations.

I couldn't agree more, I have had a couple of posts censored here on Steemit

Excellent comment. I resonate with your sentiment, Sir, 100%.

+1 with you

Google has created a monopoly into the web and as you say it's backed by government and used in surveillance, and tracking where you go and what you do, with advanced technology and just how far they will go to control people is what people need to realize.
I do agree with Jeff,stop watching tv programming, turn off Facebook, I cut off Facebook months ago and just use steem..
Spend more time reading, research history, stop being reactive and become proactive.
Don't let all that marketing subliminal brain washing tactic swallow your mind, break away and open your mind.
They are using devide and conquer and more hatred to control the masses.
I don't know how this all will end,but to see this country headed towards a civil war and that's what they want, order out of caos

Wonderful post @dollarvigilante! Because it features 2 or more of the beautiful humans from The Tribe, it has been re-steemed by our communal account: @tribesteemup!

Great post, I see your perspective very well, because I share it too.

Interesting in deed. I also believe Google/Youtube/Facebook control what you see.

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With the billions of dollars Google has gotten from the government, I refuse to consider them a private corporation. They are a government sponsored corporation monopolizing the flow of information and censoring that which does not cooperate with their official narrative.

Yup. What Luke is not understanding for whatever reason, is these corporations only have the power they have because they are granted with economic advantages from the State. Remove the State mechanism and Google or any other company would have no ability to monopolize industry.

It's a mercantilist system borrowed from the British Empire, that was present when the US State was created.

That seems like an interesting and uncommon view.
I think you will find (over time maybe) it not a system borrowed from the British Empire it is system Owned and Controlled By the royal families.
It is the network JFK spoke of in what I think was his last speech. I will find a link to it if you insist

Yes, that's definitely part of it, certain powerful families have been in bed with the State for centuries.

What I intended to say was the merchant-state was the type of system in place from the colonial era to this day. The history of the US is based on economic activity, largely land speculation, being alined with the State; it blurs the line between private enterprise and government. There's also important influence from the Protestant movement/Puritans who came to settle in America.

Early 20th century book The History United States by Charles Beard and more recently from a couple years ago Sheldon Richman's America's Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited go more in depth.

I think he understands it, he's mentioned it in a couple of his past videos over the last couple of weeks.

That's good. Perhaps he just thinks we need to have more of a spotlight on corporations rather then just the usual suspects.

Keep working, stop paying.

Keep what you got, if you are over 50, then as soon as someone younger replaces you at work, you can go to a beach.

When taxes, gov'ts, banks, or anybody else that 'profits' from value created by workers, but doesn't contribute to the production, are cut out of the middle, the price of things goes way down.

When all there are are producers and consumers we don't have to support the parasites created by the various accounting departments.

We shame conspicuous consumption, work 20 hours a week for ~20,000 hours between 20 and 50, and viola, the shelves are full and everything is free.

But, of course, that could never be allowed to happen,...