Jubilee Shockwaves To Continue Throughout This Fall

in #money8 years ago (edited)

The Jubilee Year has officially ended… or has it?

I received this about a month ago from a Jewish scholar:

The Yuval (Jubilee) ends on Yom ha Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is on October 11th at sundown, not on October 2nd, which is Rosh Hashanah. The Shemitah always ends on Yom ha Teruah (Day of Trumpets), Yom ha Din (Day of Judgement) and Rosh Hashanah (Head Year), which are all on the same day, but not the Jubilee. It ends ten days later after the ten days of awe.

I reported it to TDV subscribers, but haven’t mentioned it in public, mostly because there were so many massive events occurring this last weekend that a discussion of alternative dates seemed besides the point. But I do want to mention it.

I am not telling you this because I want to especially focus on October 11th. However, I want it to be public record, if something does occur on that day. After all, October 2nd, which was the assumed end day of the Jubilee, fell on a Sunday, so we knew there couldn’t be any market crash on that exact date. And the same happened last year with the Shemitah, it also ended on a Sunday.

But, October 11th is a Tuesday, where the markets will be open… in October. In a Shemitah/Jubilee year. When was the biggest market crash of all time (23% in one day)? - in an October, just after a Shemitah (a little less than 3 weeks after) - It was Black Monday in 1987.

Shemitahs occur once every seven years and Jubilees occurs once every seven Shemitahs - or every 49 years. Repetitive disasters mark these timelines. War, along with economic and political disasters, occur over and over again.

They wouldn’t do so in this fashion if they weren’t being pre-planned to send a message.

Certainly, the 2016 Jubilee, to date, has been filled with massive events. The world’s worst start to a year in the stock markets occurred in January. And then the biggest crash in world stock markets happened just a day after another echelon event, Brexit, which signified the fracturing of the EU.

And, of course, just in the last few days, a flurry of major events transpired.

The control of the internet was transferred from the US to the UN this weekend. And the Chinese yuan was added into the IMF’s SDR basket.

The idea is to weaken anything associated with the West in order to build up the rest of the world. That’s one reason the BRICs were created (by Goldman Sachs) and why the IMF is building out its SDR basket with non-Western currencies.

We call the trends that continue to ruin the West "Shemitah Trends.” Sometimes these Trends are building and sometimes they are detonating with tremendous destructive force.

I expected some of these Trends to detonate, or at least expand, in October and certainly we’re seeing signs of that with the collapse of the European banks including bankrupt Deutsche.

On a personal note, seeing Deutsche Bank’s ATMs go offline this weekend along with ATMs of one of Canada’s largest banks, TD, made me wonder if I was prepared enough for what was coming.

It isn’t until it happens, it seems, that most people (including myself to an extent), take action.

For a few hours this weekend I was kicking myself for still having a fairly substantial amount of money sitting in banks… of course, I own gold, silver and bitcoin, but I’d become lazy in making sure I regularly replenished them from my fiat holdings.

Luckily for me and perhaps for you, everything didn’t shut down this weekend. But, I believe it is a temporary reprieve.

Nothing we have talked about over the past few months, or years, has changed. Everything is in dreadful shape. The Russians, as just one example, just started a drill of 40 million people preparing for nuclear war this week after all US/Russia diplomatic negotiations ended over Syria.

No one knows exactly when some very bad things may happen… we can only guess. But my opinions on what to do haven’t changed at all in the last few days. In fact, it has just made me realize how lucky I am to have a bit more time to prepare.

Plus, in the meantime, we continue to make profits. TDV’s Senior Analyst, Ed Bugos, just issued an ingenious option play on Deutsche Bank where we will make money if Deutsche Bank collapses OR if it is bailed out and shares rise in price.

And, Monday night, before yesterday's plunge in gold & silver (which looks quite similar to the precious metals plunge just prior to the 2008 collapse), Ed issued an alert notifying subscribers that a plunge, of the size of what occurred Monday was possible. You can get access to all of Ed’s analysis at TDV Premium here.

Aside from 2001 and 2008, Shemitah related collapses never occurred exactly on the end date. As I pointed out above, the biggest crash on the Dow of all time came about three weeks after the Shemitah.

Make preparations for chaos because we expect nothing but more of it in the coming months… Don’t be like many who wait to the last second before starting to prepare, because next time it will be too late.


Great post Jeff! I have followed you on youtube for several months. You are the reason I found Steemit. Thinking of subscribing to TDV.
Steem on ;)

@dollarvigilante - this was me in 2007:

And since then I have continued to be right :)

In a world of billions of people, bad stuff happens somewhere every single day so finding something minor to point at and sensationalize is always easy enough... but this whole business about a catastrophic global financial collapse is still a load of shit and every time it's predicted with a date attached, that date comes and goes with nothing but the chirping of crickets. This time is no different.

Here's an advantage of blockchain. We can hold people accountable when they make predictions. On the WWW sometimes the wayback machine can do the same when prognosticators edit their materials to quietly let everybody forget. Blockchains never forget!

Every day is Collapse Day

Join the Tinfoiled Vigilante train for more sensationalist news. Buy precious metals because when everything fails you can still throw gold bars at each other.

I'm glad I'm not alone.

idiots clump together. When you see a crowd somewhere, turn away

Lolz, already I see the backtracking begin.... as I predicted this shemitah crap is a bunch of nonsense and in three weeks will continue to be so. Telling people to buy precious metals and crypto-currency doesn't make someone a financial genius, look I just did it. Making predictions based on certain interpretations of religious documents and finding some sort of pattern you think coincides with financial markets is reaching at best. I agree with a lot of what you say but this shemitah / jubilee stuff is nonsense. The Chinese SDR thing is far more important.

China added to SDR on Jubilee end day.

Thanks for getting back to me this time @dollarvigilante You predicted a total collapse of the system, not just China being added to the SDR list, correct? Will the system collapse one day yes, we agree on that, but will it be tied to some Jewish high holiday? No it won't. This is why you shouldn't put dates on predictions. If you had just been saying the system is nearing collapse, it is a giant bubble waiting to pop, I would not be commenting, but the whole shemitah thing, come on. SDR's: The USA holds what like 41% of the SDR holdings? China's RMB now is what 10% or something? How is that the end of the Federal Reserve? It isn't. This system will collapse one day when they engineer it to do so. When that will be is anyone's guess. Likely when they have a new digital only currency and they have engineered a massive crisis to be able to offer the new global currency as the solution. The building of SDR's is one step in that process, and worrisome but they are not anywhere near having SDR's ready to be "currency" they are not even currency technically and only the central banks and governments really can use them. The average person can't make a transaction in SDR's.

Very well said. The entire case made for shemitah / jubilee is simple conspiracy-mongering. Some event happened close to a certain religious holiday therefore one caused the other. It's as scientific as astrology.
If you want to prove these links of causation then set up a rigorous test for it.

As it is you could likely choose any arbitrary dates and JB would say, "Oh that was within a week of X bank failing and within a Month of Y dictator toppling."
The world is a big place with things constantly happening. If you're going to link events happening weeks apart you can pretty much connect anything to a pattern real or imagined.

And when nothing happens on that day?

Again, it's not about the day itself... although I think pointing out the actual day is important for the record. Only twice did a major crash happen on the exact day (2001 and 2008), all other times it was in the weeks or months around that day that something quite big happened.

I see. Well I bought some puts on the Nasdaq that cover a 2 month window, just in case. The market has been basically range bound for 2 years and if you look at previous election years where the incumbent leaves office, there is a 40% move either up or down during the following 12 months. That somewhat fits into what you are thinking.... (although that 40% move has about an equal chance of being up as it does down)

We've been buying far out-of-the-money puts in case of a crash... by doing this we risk very little capital and stand to make massive gains (as we did last August when we made 4,500% in 3 days).

The problem with that is if the crash is only say... 5-8%... you get the move in your favor but you still could lose your investment. Something to take note of is the fact that hedge funds and money managers are having one of their worst years on record... they are sitting on tons of cash as well. They have to hit certain benchmarks, so they will be buyers on any dip. That will be standing in the way of a massive drop in my opinion...

I am still expecting the crash to happen next year, so it might be better to buy longer dated puts.

Quick answer: move the goal posts - again. Handwaving non-answers. False-causation. The usual.

Dear @dollarvigilante. This does seem to be rather like the case of the Titanic in that until some experience water on their person, there are no issues. However the facts are very different, things are happening as you have specified in your article.
A query emerges from several on Steemit, is there still time to leave the US? Where would you suggest they seek guidance? It is projected that many will seek to leave over the next few years, mostly young people. All the best. Cheers.

It's not just DV who's predicting a collapse. Most economists agree there will be a reset. My two cents: I'm guessing we're on shaky ground in the US until 10/21. Possible big dip on 10/20. If I'm right, you can send me a SBD, if wrong, we all win. It pays to prepare...

I see what you did there. No losing scenario for you ;-)

I follow his work, is very interesting what you write, real pleasure to wait until another publication thank you very much for doing so

Thanks Jeff! appreciate your candor.