Fascist Trump Versus Communist Killary Battle on a Sinking Ship

in #money8 years ago (edited)

We watched (and live tweeted @dollarvigilante) the US Presidential debates last night… mostly because we were hoping Hillary would drop dead on live TV.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

What did happen was that the two choices for the lesser evil this year, came down to: slightly more fascist (Trump) versus slightly more communist (Clinton).

But, the key takeaway is that neither candidate wants to change the system in any dramatic way.

While they spoke about “creating jobs,” no one pointed out that the government actually can’t create jobs… it can only steal from some people and give to others (although Trump wins here with his idea of lowering corporate taxes).

While they spoke about poor black neighborhoods, no one said that the “war on drugs” is the single biggest cause of problems in those communities. Nor that the other biggest cause of problems in poor areas are the Federal Reserve and the government’s regulations and growth-impeding taxation. Nor did they seem to notice that the most dangerous areas all have the most restrictive gun control laws.

They both spoke about the threat of ISIS… but no one brought up that ISIS was created by the CIA and other Western intel facilities and is still funded and backed by the CIA. And, certainly, no one spoke of shutting down the CIA.

They spoke about all the problems in the Middle East… nearly ALL caused or funded by the US government and CIA. And both had a solution… more war.

In fact, the only way that the US government can “make America great again” would be to shut down immediately, and neither candidate would ever conceive of the notion.

So, aside from it all being a bizarre circus, there is nothing truly new with either candidate. All will continue just as the elites intend.

Here at TDV, we have said for over a year that Killary Clinton will win come November, if she can keep walking. And, this debate didn’t change our opinion.

Presidential elections aren’t really elections so much as selections, anyway. George Soros, a high level employee of the elite, has already said Hillary is going to win the popular vote by a landslide. Here’s his full quote:

"I think it all – it’s going to lead to a landslide for Hillary Clinton in the popular vote, not in the electoral vote, because there, paid political announcements will have a big role. And so the electoral thing will be closer. But the popular vote will be a landslide because she is campaigning for the general elections, whereas the Republicans are fighting for the primary."

One big reason for a Hillary win is because of the funding that keeps pouring in. And that funding is based on her obvious, stated determination to make more wars around the world, which the military-industrial complex is eager to do. That’s why Hillary is receiving so much funding from corporate America. Trump has hurried to say, as a result, that he too is eager to confront “terrorism” abroad as well.

National security seems to be a big issue for these two. Less so, the nearly $20 trillion US national debt, which is fast-sinking the country. Yet the national debt received only a few minutes of conversation as opposed to nearly 15 minutes on Barack O’Bombers birth certificate.

A few days ago, the federal debt of the US passed the $19.5 trillion mark. In fact, for the 2016 fiscal year that ends on the eve of the Jubilee Year, the US government’s debt growth of $1.36 trillion will be the third biggest annual increase ever.

This is the only chart needed at the debate last night. And the only question that should have been posed is, “What are you going to do about that?”

Unfortunately, the reason that question was not asked is because there is absolutely nothing anyone can do at this point.

When the $20 trillion debt and over $80 trillion in liabilities (money already spent but that is promised to be paid in future) is accounted for, it adds up to over $250,000 for every man, woman and child in the US. Or, more than $1 million for every family of four.

This is mainly what all the billionaires who have been running from the stock market and into gold the last few months have been alluding to.

It’s the rock and the hard place. Take your pick.

And when it implodes, in what they call a “debt jubilee”, it will bring on a crisis and crash that Jim Rogers, who founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros, warned us about in August. He issued a blunt statement that, “A $68 trillion ‘Biblical’ collapse is poised to wipe out millions of Americans.”

We aren’t talking decades either. At best we are talking a few years. It could even begin to happen as soon as next week when the Chinese yuan is added to the IMF’s SDR basket, the day before the end of the Jubilee Year.

We’ve been telling you for years to prepare… and those preparations have also included massive gains, including a 200% gain in the TDV Premium newsletter’s portfolio in the last year.

It’s still not too late, but if you have done nothing to prepare yet, you are really leaving things to the last proverbial minute!

Last summer, we made a call just before the August crash that earned us 4,500% in three days. And, TDV’s Senior Analyst has just made a very similar call again in a September 16th alert to Premium subscribers. You can access that immediately here.

While we certainly favor Donald Trump’s stance versus Hillary’s on many things… especially in regards to reducing taxes and regulation (which should both be reduced to zero)… it is already too late.

Before anything can be salvaged there is going to have to be a washing away, of sorts. Likely in the form of a debt jubilee, which will cause damage to the economy, financial and monetary systems that no one could possibly imagine.

It’s possible it won’t happen next week. It may not happen next month. But it will happen soon enough. If you aren’t already preparing for it, you may already be too late.

And, one thing is clear: Neither the Donald nor Hillary are going to be able to salvage it.


I refuse to read this article after reading this stupid headline. Calling Hillary Clinton a Communist is preposterous. She is a corrupt capitalist.Just throw the language out the window in favour of your An-cap sectarian lingo.

Central Planning, centrally controlled economy, big government, social engineering, less freedom, more taxes .
Call it what you want, that's where the US is going.

Come on now, how dare you insult An-Caps. You just violated the NAP. Oh that's right! Adjectives are bullshit, not to mention divisive.

Communists are slave owners, aka corrupt politicians. Communism is evil.

Capitalists are slawe owners, aka corrupt politicians. Capitalism is evil.
Look, now it made more sense!

"Authoritarian" is probably a better word to describe both of them...I'm guessing, since you got mad, that you're a play-communist--i.e., a spoiled Westerner living (probably in a nice comfy suburb) well off the fruits of capitalism who is virtue-signaling his trendiness by telling us how awful capitalism is, but not serious enough to actually live a communist lifestyle himself...am I right?

I´m a post-scarcity anarchist/communalist.
I am poor.
You are rude, and wrong.

Ah, yes, a fan of 'free' shit...OK...

And, if you live in the West, you're not poor--you're richer than 90% of the rest of the world that wasn't lucky enough to have capitalism. Go see how rich you are:


Communists since and including Marx have always been spoiled Westerners...I'm particularly amused by ultra-rich celebrities and politicians who play at 'communism' (while maintaining a death-grip on their own wealth)...

Jeff presents a lot of old gold bug thinking. That doesn’t make it all wrong, but it’s certainly wrong to call Trump fascist and Hillary communist.

Hillary is a kleptocrat – someone who seeks power in order to profit and make the people conform to what she feels is good for them. She’s more of a third world dictator than a communist. She’ll use immigration to roil the country and change the voting demographics. Hillary will create crisis, and never let a crisis go to waste. Her most cherished supporters are the press who move the voting public about 20 points to the left. See Left Turn for a discussion.

Trump is the opposite. His main characteristic, in my view, is an overwhelming drive to succeed. He has chosen as his political philosophy paleo-conservatism (what I call small ‘r’ republicanism), discussed here: Understanding Trump. If he can win by motivating a large number of forgotten Americans (like in Brexit), I judge that his program will work.

The national debt is astronomical, and “any trend that can’t continue won’t”. Obama has stolen and wasted and redistributed trillions with nothing to show for it. It’s the perfect crime because he got away with it in broad daylight. But much of the debt (25-30%) is held by U.S. governmental agencies for pensions (the largest single holder is social security at about $2.8 trillion). Another big holder is the Fed at $2.5 trillion and that money has effectively been moniterized all ready. It could just be gotten rid of through accounting skullduggery. About $6.7 trillion is held by foreign entities (governments and individuals), the biggest two being China ($1.2 trillion) and Japan ($1.1 trillion). That’s enough that they don’t want to see the dollar killed. Source

Twenty trillion in debt is ‘unsustainable’ and insane, but I (and other gold bugs) thought it insane at ten trillion too. I suspect that nobody knows what’s really going on – the issues are just too large and complex. But the U.S. can probably muddle through without a disaster as long as a trend that can't continue doesn't.

Gold is a fever gauge of the economy. Gold is at the high range of its multiple with silver:
Gold to Silver Ratio - Historical Chart

If good economic times return and spending and debt controlled, wither gold? It could go down in real terms and in relation to silver. Is it going to $50,000? I much prefer gold to pictures of dead presidents, especially if we get the kleptomaniac in the White House.

Hilary represents continuation of status quo and failed way of Us politics. We are on thin ice of potential nuclear war https://www.amazon.com/New-Cold-War-Nostradamus-Stormberger-ebook/dp/B00MAT463G/ ..... h.Clinton represents that danger to wipe out two thirds of humanity as famous prophets warned us. Trump is not warmonger...he married two slavic woman. He is not interested in wars, even politics...he truly not democrat, or republican....he is outsider. He represents hope to at least postpone corporate fascists takeover. Dont call him fascist Jeff....that belong to Clintons.

Another great article. You are right, they are selected not elected and with Google, Facebook, and Amazon manipulating the "great unwashed" it becomes more of a farce each election cycle.
They are not electing a president, they are electing a regent.

@dollarvigilante, politicians are prostitutes. They are paid well for a good screwing. They are paid well to help enforce the laws and increase the stranglehold on citizens.

Actually, politicaliars (spelling corrected) are more like pimps, as they take their incomes from third parties, and it's YOU who not only does all the work, but is the one who gets screwed, and then has to pay for it all.

PS: No cop has ever enforced a law. EVER. They only enforce "statutes."

Not quite. I have respect for sex workers.

Thankfully Gary Johnson was not invited, lest he would get another opportunity to embarrass the libertarian movement.

Always good to see awesome information coming from the @dollarvigilante. Hopefully there is enough people preparing so that we can rebuild afterwards. By the way Jeff do you have any tips for an eighteen year old just now entering the real world.

Rule by force is the problem, not who does it how.
Keep working, stop paying.

Will gold outperform bitcoin?

If you've got steady, reliable access to a computer...its 50/50 at this point.

If the power's out? Gold. But if gold goes to $50,000 or even higher, as some have projected...where are you gonna get change when you just need a can of coffee and a loaf of bread to get you through the weekend?

My preference has been SILVER for quite some time now. The fact that it comes out of the ground at about 9:1 against gold, but it's currently selling for close to 70:1 means that if we JUST restored the selling price to the natural ratio, we're talking about a >600% return purely by price normalization.

Looked at from a value standpoint, the few people in Canada who listened to me over the last few years didn't already lose 33% of the value of the fiat debt notes (or zeroes and ones) that they converted into silver over the last few years. This year alone, they've gained another ~30%, not including numismatic potential on some items.

PS: Check into Scottsdale's 5oz King Tut. And do it SOON! Those ones are going to be gone amazingly fast!!!

If power (or Internet) go out, nothing would work. No government, no banks, no nothing.
I don't think the "powers that should not be" will shut it down just like that, as it will kill them also.
Gold can be taxed, confiscated, stolen, and has a big defect: it needs paper substitutes and custodians to move and store.
I'd rather have my crypto ;)

I would love to see that there were more than these two screwers on the stage!