Another Billionaire Goes All In On The "Barbarous Relic" Gold While Mainstream Media Remains Silent

in #money9 years ago (edited)

Billionaire Crispin Odey recently released a management letter to his hedge fund clients praising gold and explaining gold products constituted the next, great investment wave.

He is yet another in a wave of billionaires who have all, suddenly, been moving massive portions of their portfolio into gold... with one of the latest being George Soros, who moved a significant amount of his portfolio into gold just a few months ago.

It is quite likely that both of these individuals are familiar with The Dollar Vigilante's (TDV) Shemitah and Jubilee Year analysis. That's not to say they read TDV (of course they may - and should), but they understand the larger, secretive events associated with these occult timelines. That may be in fact one reason why Soros and other billionaires have been acting this year to realize gold positions. And why Odey, too, has now moved in that direction.

The two men move in the same, elitist circles. Soros provided Odey with his first large investment stake, reportedly of some $150 million, when Odey set up his initial hedge fund in the early '90s. And Odey was briefly married to a daughter of Rupert Murdoch and is now married to Nichola Pease who is reportedly related to one of the founding families of Barclays Bank.

Odey has now taken a significant position in Kinross Gold Corporation, purchasing 15.5 million shares of the Canadian gold-mining company, valued at $75.7 million on June 30. But it is his recent management letter where he speaks about gold historically that should get your attention:

In a world where $13 trillion of bonds are negative yielding, where $4 trillion of investments are in ETF’s, is it wise that only $1.5 trillion of savings are invested to protect investors against a change in the weather?

And more:

If we are at the limits of QE and financial repression, central banks, in the developed world, are at least doing a very good job at printing money. Every chance is taken to push some money printing through.

Carney was quick to take advantage of Brexit to keep up with his fellow central bankers. And this is where gold comes in. Gold was the original currency. It came out of distrust of governments and was chosen because it could not be manufactured at will.

Today there are around 300,000 tons of gold extant and each year around 2,700 tons are mined, or less than 1% of the stock of gold.

… Today, world GNP stands at $75 trillion and world money supply stands at around $83 trillion – some ten times its level at the start of the millennium.

The inference here is clear. A lot less gold is being produced than paper money. And Odey anticipates that eventually the “price” of gold against paper money will be massively revalued upwards.

There’s not enough gold and too much paper. Simple enough, supply and demand. Odey is reportedly “massively levered to an upside in gold paper futures.” Presumably Odey believes the “repricing” of gold is going to happen sooner rather than later.

His fellow billionaire George Soros – whom we have reported on before regarding gold – also remains a gold bull. But unlike Odey, Soros has taken profits on his Barrick gold shares as revealed In a recent quarterly 13-F filing. Although, it should be noted, that Soros is a trader... he could be in and out of certain stocks in the time it took us to write this.

Soros and other important gold bulls have been profiled by TDV as they have announced their conviction that the yellow metal - and surely silver, too - are the most promising investments going forward.

You might question these sentiments given that the market is continuing to rally and recently made a "triple high." But as we've pointed out, Jubilee 2016 is a "building year" for those in elite circles seeking "chaos" to propel globalism forward. There are plenty of disasters being prepared. And soon enough they will detonate.

Soros, like other billionaires we've profiled obviously continues to believe that longterm markets are going down not up, and perhaps down in a tremendous crash. We've anticipated these upcoming market disasters just as Odey, Soros and other top investors have. It pains us to be in the company of Soros who is responsible for a good deal of the mischief in the world, but he is also a Grade A investor, probably because he has so many sources of inside information.

Of course our source of insider information comes from the Shemitah and Jubilee timelines. And our famous Senior Analyst Ed Bugos is well aware of the information we've extracted from those timelines after the work we've done to establish historical patterns. It's one reason among many that Ed has propelled our TDV portfolio up some 200 percent in the last year and his individual stock picks have been rising quickly, with his most recent stock pick to Premium subscribers haven risen 200% since he issued it at the beginning of May (and still considers it a buy with up to 1,000% potential).

Throughout the past months we've covered announcements by numerous billionaires about an upcoming stock crash and the necessity for hedging and metals protection. Our research prepared us for this day long ago. But there is much more ahead that will make today's environment seem positively tranquil.

We`re getting ready for all that there is to come, and I hope you are too. I would suggest you subscribe to our TDV newsletter HERE to get the "secret" perspectives offered to us as a result of our Jubilee analysis. You won't find them anywhere else and they can provide you with significant, additional value as we face the formidable challenges ahead of us.

Tomorrow, we'll tell you about another billionaire (in fact, he is quite likely a trillionaire and the richest man on Earth) who has also just shifted into gold in the final clarion call for what is to come!


Thanks for your writeup TDV.

Who is actually the "we" in your articles. Just curious here! Is it you and your shadowwriter or is TDV a conglomerate of economical analysts... Would be great if you could shed a light on this! Thx!

When I say "we" when writing at The Dollar Vigilante, I mean all the people involved in what we do (our analysts and researchers)

thx for clarifying. So should we go for former Bitgold or now? :)

Hey man I just joined Steemit. I follow you on Youtube, I am InformationWarfare on youtube.

You gotta keep the corruption in the family. This system is a hot mess. Jeff, Thank you for the post.

Gold is the most conservative investment - not the government long-term bonds, as consultants love to say, but gold. And the most stable in the long-run - and we can find proof in your analysis and in the previous posts regarding the gold standard.

All the experienced investors like Soros of course understand it.

Unfortunately, the majority of the market in unexperienced and stuck in the short-term returns management. This is also what could lead the market to crash faster than we think.

Soros actually liquidated quite a bit of gold recently and his gold mining shares of Barrick Gold. While I agree with you that gold is by far the safest long term investment, people who are interested in timing investments might consider that gold still needs a capitulation phase before rising higher, which it came close to experiencing last year.

At least from Soros' actions, this appears to be what he's expecting. Some people think that central banks will raise rates to intentionally make things bad after the US election so that they can push their next agenda. I'm not one for conspiracies, but Soros seems to think that there's little upside to gold, or he thinks something else is a much better opportunity than gold.

My suggestion for people is as long as you get in cheap, you don't need to focus on timing.

Very important information.

No need to wait until tomorrow - we know who that trillionaire is already.

Kinda ironic, isn't it. The famous (or infamous) banking aristocracy who had a hand (purportedly) in the creation of the Federal Reserve is now essentially saying central banks don't have a clue, and hence they're pulling their money out of dollars and moving them into gold. If you don't own gold yet, there is no sense in waiting. If you can't afford gold, get silver. Silver moves with gold, and is even more likely to outperform it.

It's more than ironic... it is all part of their plan. I'll be writing on that today.

btw Jeff, Karen Hudes also says this shemitah year is the reason why the Network of Corporate Control is losing and she says the power transition model is 95% likely, and cites friends of hers at the Pentagon. ??
The whole story seems real but not, like a Schrodinger's Cat reality!
And I'd have to say the same thing about the ROAD TO ROOTA idea former GATA guy Bix Wier goes on about. His claim is more like a fairy tale, BUT appears to be playing out MUCH LIKE you say? I'm wondering also what your opinion of Bix is?
I thought he was bonkers, but now...?

It was a pretty easy on to guess. ;)

Jeff @dollarvigilante
One bizarre enigma I find myself wondering about is this Karen Hudes lawyer lady.
What's your opinion of her and her claims?
on her YT discussion page, in the top comments she recently said "...bitcoin was invented by Edmund JM Dunne, Head of The Royal Illuminati - The World Monarch. He wrote to me, "I am the owner of the creative copyright of a technology commonly referred to as Blockchain.
Mr. Dunne is now busy on writing the algorithms for the One World Currency and Debt Intermediation Tool"
Her website:
Some say she's a disinfo agent. If so, she fooled Prof Antal Fekete.
They claim yamashita's gold is being held for the global currency reset.
180,000 tons held in a few vaults, including artwork and royal gems, supposedly kept since the 1940s for all humanity.

What if the "the Shemitah and Jubilee timelines" don't end up working out? I've been following you for a while, but when you seemed to go all-in on the Shemitah stuff (and I started doing my own research on the fallacies of making date-based correlations), you lost some of my attention. I understand you're looking at this stuff from a global trends perspective (not a religious fundamentalist perspective), but it's still a bit unnerving because I think you have a great platform for communicating truth and I'd hate to see it diminish. You (and others) have been foreshadowing the coming collapse for many years, but things keep rolling along. It would be sad to see people lose interest in your message because they feel the predictions weren't accurate.

On the other hand, the market for fear-based reporting is higher than ever and will probably continue to be lucrative unless we can change human nature. I love how you always have a smile and take a rational approach to these topics instead of a constant "The Sky is falling! Invest in our products and service now to survive the coming zombie apocalypse!" tone I hear from others.

Either way, keep fighting the good fight. :)

Very much agreed. @lukestokes
I've like following Jeff for the same reasons, he does not and has never appeared to be a chicken little huckster. He's heads and shoulders above most that one might group into the economic collapse guys. The shemitah is something my jewish girlfriend explained a while back, she hadn't noticed this year was the uber shemitah (tiny ones are 7 yrs apart, some 49 yrs apart is a big one then every 7th big one is a uber ginormous event) and when I brought it up she got excited about it.
This is another down cycle year, being falsely floated on massive FED credit.
War on the most massive scale ever would stop this. And that is what I am seeing headed or way.
Gold and food, etc, preparing for no power grid and no grocery deliveries... a good idea.
Not living in the northern hemisphere, a better idea. This is why Jeff lives in Argentina (I think).
I know Doug Casey does, pretty sure Jeff does.
The rest of us will be (are now) sitting ducks.

The Shemitah and Jubilee timelines have already worked out and I am about to expose numerous other things all planned for the very end of the Jubilee that should show this is part of their plan. How it all plays out is anyone's guess but I am more confident than ever in our analysis because it keeps turning out to be right.

Thanks for the reply, Jeff. I guess I should give you some more attention and re-engage in how you're coming to your conclusions and what passes for "worked out" here. I hope you understand, I mean no disrespect, but humans often (far too often, IMO) find patterns and meaning in data, even when none exists. This is provable so. Coming up with causation from correlation regarding date-based historical records is a well-documented example of this common fallacy.

That said, even if there is no causation, if enough people believe there is, there will be. :)

Great info as usual, thanks a bunch! Namaste :)


Thank you so much for giving us this grounded blog post Jeff. It is my personal belief that it's critical to not have all investments tied up in crypto and thanks to yourself and many others for convincing me of this.

I have done quite well with silver of the last 2 years. Not nearly as good as crypto, but who knows who satohi is? Our BTC value could hit the floor once the CIA cashes in on their investment. Just a hypothetical.

Slightly off topic. But i remembered as i read your article. Make a post on the Shemitah! I would like tthat to carry on. I mean we are at it, right?
Not much going on yet, but i am expecting big changes!

Gold is the money of kings
Silver is the money of people
Debt is the money of slaves