365 Tips for Saving, Investing, and Making Money - Part 5

in #money6 years ago


Tip #41: Go on fewer vacations.

Vacations can be tremendously costly, so try to cut back on how frequently you take them.

Tip #42: Limit spending on vacations.

When you do go on vacation, try to spend less. Instead of purchasing expensive hotel rooms, expensive dinners, and expensive drinks, try to reign things in and focus on being happy, rather than achieving happiness through luxury.

Tip #43: Go on cheaper vacations.

Go camping or take a “stay-cation.” These can often be just as fun as a vacation to a far away place, but much cheaper.

Tip #44: Re-finance your house.

Since one of your largest monthly expenses is probably your mortgage, it is always a good idea to consider whether or not you could benefit from a refinance. Do this periodically to make sure that you are getting the best rate.

Tip #45: Replace steak with chicken and pork.

Steak is much more expensive than chicken and pork. Consider substituting between the meats to reduce the amount you spent on groceries.

Tip #46: Eat less meat.

Relative to the nutritional value it provides, meat is one of the more expensive components of your grocery spending. Consider cutting down on the amount you consume.

Tip #47: Ask your credit card company to lower your interest rates.

Getting a lower interest rate on your credit card is often as simple as placing a call to the company. Get in the habit of doing this on a regular basis.

Tip #48: Pay off high interest rate debt.

Instead of paying down low-interest rate debt, pay down high-interest rate debt. This will reduce the overall amount you pay for debt servicing.

Tip #49: Ask to get fees waived.

Stores, credit card companies, and membership programs are often willing to waive fees if you claim that you will not use the service otherwise.

Tip #50: Ask your cable television provider to offer you a cheaper package.

Instead of purchasing the most expensive cable package, consider downgrading to one that only contains the channels you need, but at a lower price.