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RE: The US debt will rise to at least $30 trillion within ten years

in #money7 years ago

If I may play devils advocate here, they want to run the economy hot. The fed will be unwinding some 4 trillion off its balance sheet while trying to normalize rates. With a projected 3, maybe 4 rate hikes plus some fed balance sheet unwind, it will be akin to almost 4 rate hikes which will or the brakes on the economy. To offset this, trump will run the economy a little hot and devalue the dollar. GDP fell last quarter anyway, down to 2.6, so there is room to run a little hot.

All in all, their theory is it’s better to let the economy run hot than to hit a recession or depression. People are more likely to riot if there’s no food than if food costs 10% more.

Also with complete control of the dollar, they can practically do whatever they want. Print more or devalue it or whatever. The deficit is simply a ledger, but there’s not natural law that says reach this level and all hell breaks loose. Control is more important than substance here, and we all know there’s no substance in the dollar other than as some ideo. So while all this is may seem alarming, it’s not. Imho.