Aftermath, The Hack- UPDATE

in #money9 years ago (edited)

In aftermath of the hack that had occurred a few days ago, I, along with most of you are looking foward to a more stable/secure platform, and that is underway. The Steemit Team is hard at word creating security protocols and working on releasing. As aggravating it might seem to some, it is very important we release a stable, secure Version before we move forward. The Steemit team is acting responsibly and honorably during this time and i have been impressed by the manner things are being dealt.

Just a few reminders and tips..

-Even with a secure and fully stable platform, TAKE PRECAUTIONS! Precautions with computer security, password management and Security, Ect. Remember, we live in a fallen world and there is always somebody out there trying to get us! So take precautions on the Web and Be SAFE!

~Also, i have heard of issues and vulnerabilities with people using Chrome Browser who save passwords on the Browser.. PLEASE DO NOT SAVE PASSWORDS ON CHROME as of now! just be safe..

~ALWAYS be careful with Passwords! Here's come Tips to follow on creating a strong enough pass-code and storing it safely.

~your password should be 16-32 characters long, even longer if you'd like.

~the more random, the better

~if you have a word in there, mix it up, make a letter or two capitalized the the middle.

~add symbols in there ( ! , . @ $ _ ? ; )

~use symbols multiple times, make your passwords strong!

•• I can't stress how important password security is in general. Remember, it doesn't have to be easy to remember, your Steemit password is attributed to real money and it is important only you have access to that money and your account!

~write down your password and put it in a safe place.

~Don't store your passwords on your PC or cellular device!

~Type your password up and back it up onto a USB. ( but do not store text file onto your PC, just keep it stored in your backup )


In the wake of all this, Things will start looking up a lot more shortly.. Until then, stay patient and stay Posting/ Brainstorming. Updates are happening and with updates and added security, things should look up quite a bit. This is a start to something, everybody started somewhere. Steemit will have its place in this world.



I have a friend whose email password was 'superman' and he was hacked. Uhm yeah, take decryptson's advice and use very long, random passwords.

Password managers like LastPass and KeePass are great for having encrypted storage of your passwords. This is much better than the built in Chrome password manager. It's also much easier to have a different randomly generated password for all sites so when one gets hacked, your other accounts are still safe.

Also be very careful when installing browser extensions, they can get access to the steamit website, and maybe do some actions with your account without you knowing.

On chrome you can go to


and click on 'Details' to check the permissions of extensions.

I really love Bitcoin too. Always have and always will

Good advice, there will always be someone trying to come in and screw other people over. It's just an unfortunate reality.