Famous People who Risk their lives and Reputation to help YOU survive the coming COLLAPSE!!!

in #money7 years ago

Hello everyone.
The following is a list of people who have put their reputation on the line and in some cases their own lives on the line in an attempt to wake up the masses, while others are attempting to help people survive financially what is just on the horizon.
The people listed below are preparing and also spreading the word of what is to come. Please take this seriously.

USA DYing.png

OPTIONAL: The song is meant to accompany the reading.

If you are reading this, then you must be aware of where USA currently stands and how our current political system along with banks have been destroying the middle class. The following picture should be a brief illustration of how most people feel in America.
Death of USA.png

HOWEVER!!!... There are modern day Patriots, Investors, Financial Experts, and Citizens doing their best to help people and wake up the masses to what is going on and what is to come for those who don't prepare.
As Gerald Celente once said "You deserve what you get for not preparing".....

The following are people who are doing their best to educate people and help out the average person survive what is coming, which WILL BE WORSE than the Great Depression and 2008 crash combined.

  • Adam Kokesh
    Adam Kokesh.png
    A True Freedom fighter. Adam is best known for his support of the US Bill of Rights. He is well known for his political activist movements and infamous for loading up a shogun in the nations capitol and being arrested for it. He is still a free man today even after going through the gauntlet of government, but he believes everyone should exercise their rights, otherwise we may lose them forever... As it stands, all of our rights have now been restricted and his message is to stop this before our rights are completely removed with new regulations.

-Amir Adnani
Amir Adnani.png
His Company Goldmoney, formerly known ad Brazil Resources has been very generous with investors that can stomach the volatility. Adnani may not be a popular name, but for those of us trying to slowly fight off the dollar collapse, this stock is a good hedge. However, I always hedge against my positions in case the stock drops in price, but each person should do their homework before buying the stock. :)

    Andy Hoffman.png
    Andy is the number one bull for gold\silver and one of the top commentators against the banks and educates people via his audio blog on what is going on and how to protect yourself. He is very well known among the precious metals sector. His audio and email blogs talk about the silver manipulation and the fall of the banks and explains economic trends.
    Ann Barnhardt.png
    Best known for education the public on the false reality people live in America. She talks about the current state of healthcare, social security, and how people will be adversely affected if they do not prepare. She speaks more or less to the avg person on the street on how to prepare for the economic collapse that is around the corner waiting to claim lives.
    Ben Shapiro.png
    Excellent man at debating all the left wing nut jobs out there and shutting up all the snowflakes out there is none other than Ben Shapiro. if you ever want to learn how to properly educate left wing naive or ignorant people, this is the guy to watch. His teachings will impress anyone and leave you with a different perspective on politics, finance, and society. Educate yourself by watching videos of this man.
    Bill Murphy.png
    Known for GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee) Bill is teaching people how the gold and silver manipulation is on the verge of ending and how if people are not prepared, they may regret this for the rest of their lives. He covers mostly topics on manipulations, banks, and the deep state suppressing prices to keep people dependent on the system.
    Bix Weir.png
    One of the many Cryptocurrency Champions out there is Bix Weir. He has his no nonsense youtube videos explaining all things Cryptocurrency, Gold, and Silver. The Road To Rota is what he is well known for and all those interested in learning more in general about gold \ silver \ cryptos should check out his youtube channel.
    David Clarke.png
    David Clarke became famous in the libertarian world for his stance on Gun Control. In short he said.... "FUCK THAT".... He defended and encourages people to buy firearms to protect themselves as society is beginning to show signs that is will crumble and crime is on the rise, despite what major news channels might have you believe. Heed his warning and prepare for a rise in crime. Look at what is happening in Venezuela.... In a matter of 3-4 years, crime has increased and its society has collapsed.... This may not happen here in America due to police being savages, but in those 1-3 minutes for cops to arrive and help, anything can happen and this is what David tells people...
    DAvid Morgan.png
    A complete expert on SIlver is none other than David Morgan. If you wish to learn more about silver and where it is headed and how to take advantage of this once in a generation opportunity, check out his work and look him up. David is top commentator and popular for many youtube channels to bring on as a guest and help explain WTF is going on in the precious metals market. His idea is to help people prosper financially. He stays out of government talks and focuses on wealth creation via silver.

Doug Casey.png
Douglas R. Casey is an American writer, speculator, and the founder and chairman of Casey Research. He describes himself as an anarcho-capitalist influenced by the works of novelist Ayn Rand. If you want to make wealth and prosper during the times that are coming up ahead, heed this mans word and look up his work. He supports sound money...i.e. gold\silver.
Ed Bugos.png
Known for his work in the Dollar Vigilante newsletter, Ed has made people fortunes with his stock picks... He works exclusively with Jeff Berwick from the Dollar Vigilante. HE is genuinly trying to help out people prosper during the hard times coming up for all.
Edward Snowden.png
This man needs no introduction or explanation. We all know what he did and why he did it. Remember this... Evil triumphs when good men do nothing, and this man did something and many are very grateful he did and wish he could have done more.
Gerald Celente.png
Best trend forecaster I have seen in a long time. He is a physical gold and silver supporter and he predicts how current events will trigger future events and outcomes and how it will affect the market. This guy was one of the first I began to follow years ago and to this day I still do. His work is amazing. Anyone wanting to get a good glimpse of future events should check out Gerald Celente's work.
Gregory Manorino.png
GREGORY MANORINO is the reason I am here in STEEMIT... This PROFESSIONAL STOCK TRADER is out to help the masses and he actually makes option calls and puts available to all to join in on the fun and make money no matter what the market throws at us. He is always talking and educating his audience on hot to play the market, how to hedge your bets, how to make money no matter what is happening. Up or down, you make money with him, but you have to be focused.... :) SHOUT OUT TO GREGORY.. MY BRO!!! He has brought over his entire youtube audience into STEEMIT and we are following him as a lion pride.
Harry Dent.png
Harry is best known for his demographic studies and how they will affect the entire planet this time, and not just countries and sections. His work tells him that EVERYTHING WILL GO DOWN, including gold and silver.... He has work to back up his claim. Before people diss him or talk shit, know this, always listen to both sides of an argument. He agrees with other economists that this crash will be the mother of all crashes, but he also believe gold\silver will not protect you this time....
Thanks to his work, which I read his books, I now open a short via a put on all my gold and silver positions as insurance in case he is right.... This also goes in line with investing 101. I buy long term positions incompanies, and I put a fraction of the investment as a small put option long term as an insurance play if the stock dips.... His work is good to read as well, and I am by no means bashing it since there is merit to it as well.
Jeff Berwick.png
Jeff has been able to turn avg Joe's into millionaires with his cryptocurrency plays. He runs the Dollar Vigilante newsletter and his main purpose and goal is to help people survive and prosper financially during the coming economic collapse that is unraveling. No other newsletter has made more millionaires in less than 4 years as the Dollar Vigilante has. This is not for the weak stomach. This is for people who want to be part of the future, post dollar era.
Jim Rickards.png
Jim Rickard's is an expert in the financial and political scene who has been warning people of the coming dollar collapse and is almost begging people to prepare for what is coming. he explains how there is a high probability of a new currency being in the works to either back the dollar or replace the dollar by way of the SDR via IMF. Either way, this will cause turmoil in the United States.

Jim Rogers.png
James Beeland "Jim" Rogers, Jr. is an American businessman, investor, traveler, financial commentator and author. He is currently based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. He talks mostly how society may collapse and how those who are not financially prepared with physical bullion will be hurting the most. He also talks about the out o control debt that is in the US alone, not including world debt. He expects everything to come crashing down in a horrific way.
Joel Wallack.png
When it comes to nutrition, this is the man to look for answers. His topics are health based and nutrition based. He explains how everything is linked to some sort of nutrient deficiency in the body and how to cure it. In short, how work is meant to help those trying to stay out of hospitals or clinics and vaccinations. He talks about how the medical system is ruining lives and how people have the power to get out of it all by taking action for themselves.
Julian Asange.png
Julian needs no introduction. He is a hero to the world by exposing the corruption in governments and in the military industrial complex. He has placed his life on the line to be able to report on this and the world owes him for his work.
Keith Neumeyer.png
IF YOU ARE A SILVERBUG LIKE ME... THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS MAN.. Keith is the guy to go to with a solid silver company and a proven track record to help the investors. Like mentioned above, I have a position in this company but a fraction is on a put option long term to shield me in case the stock tanks.... The put is not meant to save me 100% from a sharp drop, but lessen the pain if it does drop.
AG stock.png
Marin Katusa.png
If you want to know where commodities are headed, then this is the guy to talk to or follow. He is usually right on the mark about these things. Many people do not know who he is, but her is well known and respected in the commodities community.
Max Keiser.png
Max is a financial commentator who tells it like it is. He does not hold back on the banks, govt. corruption, and financial scandals affecting the market. He is a big supporter of gold. silver, and BITCOIN. He has his own TV show and is always discussing current events. His show is veru educational for those wanting to see things from another perspective as in from a realists point of view and how things really affect the every day working class.
Mike Maloney.png
One of the best GOLD\SILVER commentators and supporters of the metal out there. His YouTube channel is very informative and educational. He is convinced that this collapse will destroy families who are not prepared to weather this upcoming storm. If anyone wants to be educated in gold or silver, this is the man to follow as he tries to educate people. If yo are new to gold and silver, start with Mikes videos as they will give you a true and harsh reality check as to what is going on in the world in regards to the monetary system.
Peter Schiff.png
THE WORLDS TOP GOLD BUG IS NONE OTHER THAN PETER SCHIFF... Before the 2008 financial crisis, people would criticize him as being crazy and wrong, but when the collapse came, Peter was proven correct and vindicated. Finally, I like listening to Peter's podcasts since he is a business man and his talks are always centered around business and how the federal reserve are making things more difficult for the common man and how gov makes it less attractive to start a business with its heavy regulations. Highly recommend listening to hi podcasts.
Wim Willie.png
Jim Willie has some of the longer podcasts in general but very good stuff is discussed. His newsletter, the Golden JAckass is known for telling it like it is. He does not hold back and he explains how world governments are reacting and behaving towards gold and silver. He explains which countries are currently moving into position to dethrone the dollar and back their currencies with physical metals and which metals will be used.

Here is a small video to incentivize all of you to heed the warnings from all the people above.....


Great job in assembling a full cast of Libertarian patriots! You've named just about everyone I can think of that brought me here to post on Steemit a week ago.

I salute your efforts to sound the clarion for people to take responsibility for themselves, their families and friends. To spread awareness to all: To BE PREPARED for all possible events that would require self-reliance, ingenuity, and compassion for those in financial or physical need.

If more of us speak out with our thoughts and experiences, those who heed will be ready for the storm.

God speed and good luck @darionxp!

Likewise brother. Hopefully people can wake up and begin to prepare in some way shape or form.

So many trying to help. People need to listen and prepare.
Thank you for the information.
May God be with you and each and everyone.

my other 3 favs; Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, G. Edward Griffin, and David Wilcock

I actually considered adding them, but yes, you are right, I should have added them too.

Great article with a awesome list of whose, who. I'm a G man follower too and here because of him. So one question???? Why not put Greg up front and center on the list? You've got him buried down in the list.

I went in alphabetical order, but good point. :) lol I guess I messed up there.

I figured as much but I had to harass you anyway. :)

:) No worries. All is well.

Yes! Keith Neumeyer made your list! I listen to almost all of these people! Great post!

:) His stock is by far one the safest silver plays out there. :) I am in on other silver stocks, but this one First Majestic is by far the best silver play.

Excellent work with the song in the beginning, all the personalities in the middle and the video at end. Kudos to @darionxp. Keep it up :))

Thank you. I will definitely keep things going. :)

Very interesting. I was not familiar with a few of these, but will check it out.
hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

Always my friend, always.

Great article, I follow most of these great people !!! I have learned a lot from them.....