
I see that you are a BTC addict and you are warning everyone in Fla to run to high ground as Irma approaches. Only 10.93 to 1 odds here. Find a site that offers you 100 to 1 to bet that Irma doesn't make landfall (the eye comes ashore) in Fla and I will rate that my bet of the decade. :-)

BTW, I rate my "short the mining stocks!" call forthcoming as my play of the year as of right now. DUST "should" double from my coming "add to" on that trade...and GDX put options for Rocktober expiry will pay out at least 500% I'm wreckin. What you that UVXY is no longer skying and you can't scream at the top of your lungs >>> "WOOHOOO! Look at me!" like you wuz just before the bottom fell out. :-)

just curious. Don't you have anything better to do with your time than to obsess over Greg Mannerino. ??

Find me a bigger bs artist and huckster and I will leave Greg alone. Right now the guy I am waiting on only showed up for 1 spew and he hasn't been back since. He's still pumping BABA long though over at Stocks4twits.bomb. ...hint hint. In the meantime, use the ignore button unless you want to make some money trading for once in your life. Then read every single spew I make...and please! Lambast me if I am wrong! I encourage it. :-) Greg "hides" from it. He can't handle the truth. We'll see what he is saying when the entire precious metals sector gets deeestroyed into Rocktober, the dollah makes him want to hollah (more like screem in agony), and market driven rates start to back up. Get your "excuses" ready Greg. Might be a good time to start watching Peter Schiff Utube videos. he's a master of excuses.

Joe should start his own channel. The comments section under his videos would be "lively"

I've got my own channel. The "1%" channel..spewing things that only 1% of everybody out there sees. I am teh "ultimate" contrarian...I AM the markets. One thing is fo sho. People certainly wouldn't have much ammunition to use against me to spew about how wrong I was about any trade in purrtickler...cept for my calls on GBTC that is. :-) Go ahead and pick any one of my spews and see if you can find something to hammer me with. :-)

Short slv expiry 8/14?

Wait for SLV to trade thru 17.57. Then you will likely be able to hold short for a new 52 week low. Play for the $17 strike as it's the first "obvious" target on this 10 day chart.

Next one is 16.60 to 16.70, that trendhigh set the Tue before this past one. SLV $17 puts for Rocktober expiry at .39 on the close. "If" my 17.57 target gets taken out they will be more likely at about .20. That means SLV only needs to trade to 16.80 by Rocktober 20th. A move to 16.60 means you at least double your $$$. And if the drop comes "fast n furious" like I expect it's more like a 300%+ gain. I don't plan on stopping at SLV 16.60 either. The lowest "nonconfirmed" low I have logged in for SLV since I have been tracking it for trading is 14.43. That means you net in excess of 1000% on the trade if SLV gets there by Rocktober 20th. Oh, you are actually spewing about my losing SLV trade. Yes, that trade for Aug expiry was a loser and I SIRIously doubt I can hold off the collapse until 9/18, which would be the earliest I can enter a new short and still write off that loss. I don't "haphazardly" eliminate the ability to write off a loss by jumping back into the same losing trade within 30 days like Greg does as a matter of course. Thus the reason why I am concentrating on the mining shares this time.

Not picking on you btw. I have total respect for anyone who has the guts to make an actual call...especially if they outline the reasons why. My indicators are basically "price" related and sentiment driven. You are going to be spot on with your call on teh HUI and if you actually took a short position I hope you didn't crap out.

Actually, after taking the time to read your HUI analysis I have to say, pretty damn good! I'm adding you to my followed list...and that's pertty much impossible to acheive unless you are extremely good...or extremely bad. :-)

I didn't take the short today, I like to wait for confirmation. The entry point to go short was yesterday's low, with the stop loss at yesterday's high +.15 points. I don't need to catch the bottom or ride to the top, the money is made in between.:)