in #money7 years ago (edited)


[images source](facebook.com/charles de ifebuko)()
Most times due to arrogance, pride,
anger, excitement and ignorance we have giving away information that has turned back to hurt us.

I follow a particular serial entrepreneur and programmer he tweeted.

They were making a noise in the Cafe so I bought the domain name for their new start-up.

I wish I could see their face when they find out that their domain has been brought.

It will teach them a lesson not make noise or disturb people in a public place.

Not only that Strive Masiyiwa said in one of HIS post, he was in a flight coincidentally on the same flight was his fiercest competitor and his team.

They were planning an onslaught strategy that would really affect his company's market share.

So he patiently listen and took note
As soon as he highlighted from the plane.

He called an emergency board and staff meeting.

They restrategized and implemented his competitor's strategies against them and boom the effect was massive till today they never recovered from it.

I think they went Bankrupt.

He quickly warned his staffs not discuss any business and company related issues in the open.

You might be telling your bosoom friends who means no harm but ignorantly he might say it to your unknown competitors who can rain down fire and brimstone.

In this Era of content marketing it a good strategy for business growth agreed but is not every route to your success you let out on social media.

Up till now I doubt If anybody knows the formula for Coca-Cola.
it is called Trade secrets.

You should have one as Entrepreneur, Start-up, Thought Leader, and a consultant.

Silence is a subtle strategy Use it.


I Love you deeply

Jesus Loves you more

I remain
Your Business Strategist......
Ifebuko Charles C.