
You'll have to specifically ask them, I'm sure they'll do it though.

Amazing, at least 75% of all the people in hospitals right now, are there due to complications from eating avoid foods. Gastrointerologists (digestion/intestine docs) don't even blood type people or really know anything about foods by blood type. Craziness.

Most of the reason the btd works is because of lectins in your food. What lectins are pretty well known these days, the "Gluten free diet" is just wheat glutens. Glutens is short for Agglutinator, proteins that cause agglutination.

The most significant example of agglutination is the poison ricin, a tiny amount of which will cause all of your blood cells to stick to each other and the vessel walls, halting your blood flow and causing death.

The agglutinators in foods act the same way, only on a much milder level. MOST of the population is unable to handle wheat glutens, especially the whacked out strains of wheat farmers are growing today.

So, the fewer foods you eat with incompatible lectins/agglutinators for your blood type, the more energy reserves your body has for normal activities. You'll find yourself only sleeping 4-5 hours a night, regardless of your age, along with higher energy levels through out the day.

When you're on nothing but beneficial foods, all natural and prepared fresh, you feel like there's racing gas in your tank for the first time. :) Definitely worth pursuing at least once in your life. :D

Be good to yourself!