in #money7 years ago

I've been thinking about the materialistic lifestyle that many of us are living nowadays. When i decided to invest in cryptocurrencys i had a goal, and my goal was not to be rich. My goal was to make enough money so that i could buy myself a designer bag. To own a designer bag has been my dream for many years now. It doesn't get any easier when you are following all these bloggers and models on instagram that have all these designer bags and amazing clothes and are traveling the world and are living in the most beautiful apartments. The urge to have all that gets fed even more when you are seeing pictures of their "perfect" little lives. You can't help but to get jealous and your cravings of that lifestyle gets worse and worse. It doesn't even have to be all these rich people, it can be your friends that are traveling the world and your thinking to yourself "i want to do that too!". Or when you see a friend with a louis vuitton bag you're like "how can she afford that, if she can i can too?". The thing is you compare your life with everyone elses even if you don't want to.

My boyfriend mother told me about her colleague who loves to live a luxurious life but she's drowning in debts because she can't really afford that lifestyle. So i also know that there is a backside to the perfect pictures of instagram. My cousin, a grown ass woman with three children took a loan of 10 000 dollars so that she and her family could go on vacation to Jamaica. People that are following her on instagram will not know this, they will just see all these amazing pictures of the clear blue water and amazing beaches. Maybe they will get jealous too. They won't know what a brainless person she is.

With two socialist parents, material stuff was never important. I didn't have much toys or clothes when i was a child. I had as much as i needed, not more (or as much as my parents thought i needed). So why did i get so materialistic? I really don't know how to answer that question. Maybe because we are living in a world of consumption, and it's impossible to not get affected.

I think social media has a big role when it comes to materialistic lifestyles. We are affected by the image that people are putting out - even if it's not always true. We are also obsessed with putting out every detail of or own lives. When we buy that expensive designer bag och or designer sofa we want everybody to know it. We want everybody to get jealous and envy us. It's almost like an epidemic. It's like we are living our lives to make other people think our lives are better then theirs. We must stop compare ourselves with other people.

The bottom line is, live the life you can afford! If you can afford a designer bag, buy one. If you can't, don't.
