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RE: Taxes, are they limiting our freedom?

in #money7 years ago

Many are having such an opinion when it comes to taxes. They feel that it is limiting their freedom when they are forced to pay taxes.

They and many think that taxes are imposed or forced but they are actually voluntary and gifts. People who don't know erroneously assume that they are obligated to pay instead of questioning exactly how an employee force an employer, as government works for the people and answers to the people in a relationship of employee and employer, and as employee they have no authority to make demands or order people around.

In other words we should only pay enough taxes to prevent the state of nature where we all will be fighting for survival.

The problem is two fold: Zomia have lived for 2000 years in complete anarchy and embracing the principle of self rule, among 5 different cultures /groups with over 100 million living in the region, so the premise that we need government to stop our inevitable descent into chaos is obviously not reflected in reality, and the most prosperous the US has been was during the 50-60s when taxation on the rich was 95%, so people have to deny the economic stimulation a very high tax on the rich creates and ignoring the obvious history of society minus regulation and mandates or arbitrary authority, a history evident by many native cultures which had not embraced totalitarian hierarchy as the basis of their interpersonal relationships.

With such a low taxation every individual will have the personal responsibility to assure their health, to assure their survival in case they will be unemployed and to assure that their income is high enough to provide education for their children. For the ones having a strong portfolio this can very well prove be a perfect system.

This is the dogma of the arrogant islander mentality, who in their divorce from the suffering of the rest of the world ask the idiotic question of "am I my brother's keeper? " and have no sympathy for their fellow man and resolve this ill of conscience by rationalizing that governments are far more evil than the indifference of man is, and who can argue with the fact that the government does more harm than no government and it is essentially government which invaded and made war with anyone that sought to govern themselves, squelching independence like a bad habit. The problem is that what was considered and portrayed as government couldn't be government by the very fact of acting outside the limits of its contract.

If we look at the function and methods it utilized, what's been presented for example as "The United States " has no semblance of limited government, consent of the governed, republican, no standing army and minimal navy so as to ensure protection from piracy and this is the same story for all other governments. The moment government acts outside its delegate authority it has stopped being government and has seemingly become tyranny and despotism, period.

Another main argument in favor of a minimal taxation is that nobody will pay in order to feed the free-riders.
Especially in the USA we see that the existence of free-riders is something that the majority of the tax payers would like to avoid taking place. Actually the free-riders are mentioned many times as the reason why taxes should be reduced.

If you don't feed the free riders they will destroy your life, desperate people do desperate things.

Taxes are voluntary as the employee can not order the boss around, high taxes, especially very high taxes have corresponded with Boom periods, from the inception of the income tax there's a correlation of having incredible economic growth when taxes were the highest on the rich, with the opposite when taxes were less which signaled a lengthy economic downtrend.