You've been on Steemit for a week or two and haven't made any money, so why should you stay?

Maybe you’ve reached a point where you’re just getting bored of steemit, you’re not making any steem, you dont have any great ideas for new posts and your tired at looking at average posts with little content that are getting alot of attention.
It is so easy to give up. And sometimes it feels like exactly the right thing to do.Perhaps it is. But I know that if I give up altogether you wouldn’t be apart of a exciting new era in social media.
In this post I am going to show you a few things you can do when you are thinking about giving up on Steemit.
Hopefully they will kick some life into you and your posts.
Tell a personal story in a long post
One of the best ways to rejuvenate yourself and your posts is to get personal.
It helps to make the adventure seem more real. Write a long post about your thoughts and struggles and issues and see what response you get. Start injecting more personal elements into your posts. Steemit can be a playground for your personal thoughts and opinions, and who knows maybe there are Steemers out there that are going through similar experiences that can offer you advice.
Write to readers who have left comments on your previous posts
It’s a great way to interact with potentially likeminded people. Who knows maybe you’ll make a friend or two on the way that will make being on Steemit all the more worthwhile.
Recall your motivation for starting
When you join Steemit you usually have a reason. You might want to help people or you might want to get out of the rat races and start a new life. Or was it just to accumulate as much steem as possible to make your millions?
Read for 20 minutes at the start of each day
Don’t upvote, don’t comment, just read! When I’m feeling a bit down I spend the start of every day looking at my favorite categories. This isn’t to procrastinate – it gets me fired up.
Even if there are no new interesting posts I still have a look around and read some of the old stuff. I find that it often gives me ideas for new articles or projects.
Contact the big guys in your niche for advice
The big guys and gals in your niche were once like you. If you are friendly and a bit lucky, you might be able to get some help from them. Who knows maybe they can inspire you with a new idea or direction, or even collaborate with you on a new post.
Don’t waffle on about your problems and give them a huge essay. Keep it short and to the point.
I hope someone out there finds this useful or helpful and we can continue to grow the Steemit community!
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i've been getting frustrated, but at least i'm getting my material out there and enjoying doing it, its only a matter of time before people see that.
i actually like the sisterholics stuff, its pretty cool, keep going!
dont worry, hot girls get popular on here, fast!
Nice post. For someone thirsty in the desert this was few drops of water (me). Keep up the good work.
Thanks appreciate the feedback!
My pleasure
Ill try your advice, "Don’t waffle on about your problems and give them a huge essay. Keep it short and to the point".
Great post.
Thank you for this inspiring post.
I joined 'Steemit' because I am a person who would want to help others through my writings. I would hope that I can contribute relevant posts that can enjoy or be helpful to others.
Let me say now I am not an accomplished writer, but I will do my best.
Another reason I would hope to move away from the myriad of profit making guru's on the internet, who in reality give you nothing, otherwise we would all be millionaires.
Money is a secondary thought, though it would be nice to earn also.
As a new member, I am wandering around as if I had a blindfold, but fortunately, light is appearing, and I can see more.
So you know I am not here for the short term, I am here for the duration.