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RE: Get Ready for a World Currency

in #money7 years ago (edited)

There are a few areas where you brag a bit :)

“I’m expert” linked to stuff about interactions with @gmaxwell. And Craig Wright and others seem to agree with me about how he railroads others (that might have changed though).

Where else? I think mostly I’m trying to be factual about what I know and do not know and what is my idea or opinion not necessary a proven fact. For example, where I stated that I had the independent idea about Schelling point and Nash equilibrium before reading Curtis Yarvin’s blogs.


“I’m expert” linked to stuff about interactions with @gmaxwell.

Actually the link to that was here.

Does anybody know if someone has 10SP, how much would his 100% upvote be worth?

@anonymint, Grear post really enjoyed reading it. However, i dont think there is enough public confidence yet i would say everyone knows about USD/GBP/EUR but atleast 70% of people have no idea or a very small idea of what a bitcoin is so currently i dont see how cryptos will overtake traditional currencies

The Western debt-based fiat economy will die because it is funding interest payments on old borrowing with new borrowing and interest rates MUST rise (because for example zero and negative interest rates have bankrupted pensions), which will displace funding for other government services. Also eventually the governments will have to cut off all debt that is escaping to cash, gold, or cryptocurrencies. As the stampede accelerates it will by synergistic with the collapse in PUBLIC CONFIDENCE in Western governments and fiat.

Note this will not be hyperinflation because governments will not print more money to hand out to people who want to escape fiat, but instead will be capital controls, confiscation of wealth, and deflationary collapse in totalitarianism. That is why governments are trying to eliminate cash (and they know they can shut down the gold dealers when they are ready making gold illiquid). China (Asia) will probably offer a fiat that still works after 2020 when the Western fiats have become totalitarian jails. This is why the financial capitols of the world will transfer from London and New York to Singapore and Shanghai respectively by 2033 (2032.95).

And if there is a cryptocurrency which is widely used for Internet activities such as how STEEM is used every time we make a post to the blockchain, that cryptocurrency might have a chance of being there right alongside Bitcoin as sustainable because Bitcoin is not the ideal medium-of-exchange due to scaling issues and slow block confirmation period (even 0-confirmation transactions do not confirm in real-time, thus are too slow for comment posts).

Totally agree, just any day now.

Perhaps not quite as fast as you think? But not delayed enough! (we are not going to like what is coming)

Looks like 2018 or 2019 for the EU to start collapsing hard when the pooling of German bonds with the PIIGS bonds in asset backed securities causes German interest rates to rise. This will ignite the stampede of capital out of the Eurozone sovereign bonds and Euro into the US dollar and US stocks. That will begin the short squeeze dollar vortex I discussed in footnote #3 of the blog, because there is $9 trillion in dollar denominated bonds overseas that have to pay interest payments in dollars (thus they are implicitly short the dollar).

The US dollar and stock market will skyrocket for a year or two until that stampede peaks. Then the entire global economy collapses with Asia bottoming first around 2020 or so and thus slowly growing its way back up while the West (including the USA) continues to fall into the abyss all the way to 2033 and beyond. We will have civil war, civil unrest in the West. And we will probably have war with Russia, China, and/or North Korea (a proxy war to weaken the USA?), as well as probably ongoing in the Middle East.

Really bad, bad, hard times are coming. The brightest area is probably Asia.

Additionally all this migration into Europe is likely to cause another pandemic. I had more on that in my prior Steemit blog.

Once again i am so glad to read your posts.President Trump is more likely to start a war to erase $20 trillion on the national debt. US debt is too big for an economic adjustment programme.

Just a follow up to note that I am aware that my attitude and communication strategy might still need some adjustment.

I wrote in private:

I think it is probably true that I am bragging. If you have time to point out any of the places where I am acting condescending or authoritarian/judgmental, I want to think about what is driving it by reviewing the instances.

I am lacking time to re-read it. But if you are also lacking time I understand.

I do appreciate your feedback on that and I do not take it negatively.

I feel like my head is in a washing machine spinning around and around. I am pushing so hard and I do not get much time to relax and reflect so as to have the clarity of mind I need. I am pretty much a pinball in a pinball machine, always bouncing to the next task. For example, I still have to fight off low energy (feeling exhausted) and brain fog after I eat ostensibly due to the liver damage (which is hopefully regenerating). This causes a bad feeling that makes one in not so great mood. Other times I feel charged and then I swing to overly aggressive mood and try to maximize output. I am having to deal with an endocrine health (the liver, vitamin D3, etc) that is volatile, and I try to keep myself leveled by adjusting to the rollercoaster. The rollercoaster effect is not as bad as it was and seems to be improving every week.

It is stressful to be in a position of being leader and writing about matters which can cause so much conflict. If I only write very little, I could try to be so careful about how I convey my thoughts so as to not offend anyone. But to do that and also convey all those detailed points, I mean I do not have enough time (and energy) to accomplish that.

Probably any aspects that are coming across as bragging is probably my memory of my frustration with being banned on BCT and for example trolls accusing me of being spanked by @gmaxwell. I make a few comments here and there pointing out that I have some knowledge in this area.

Edit: I suppose the following is bragging:

If the earth shattering gravity of this blog is not impressed upon you the reader…

What I am really trying to do there is challenge readers to dig into the links if at first my summary did not register as any significant information.

Absolutely fantastic article, thank you!I have gone through it again and again.

Thanks for sharing this post and introducing these broad concepts to new readers. SDR system not to be implemented worldwide because IMF is way too corrupt is really not an impediment as been seen with other institutions.

I agree the corruptness of the IMF is not necessarily an impediment. Perhaps they might end up overhauling it replacing the IMF with some BIS or World Bank oversight, thus trying to convince us that the corruption has been fixed. 😏

it is a copy paste from internet :D

Incorrect. I wrote this and it is my original work. I linked to my sources.

Please do not make unsubstantiated accusations, as this is damaging to your reputation. I am tempted to flag your post which would lower your reputation rank.

sorry my friend but it is a big frustration to see so many copy paste articles here in steemit maybe if you want you could try a bit against that ....... i think it is quite unfair someone to make money on someone else work, dont you think so? besides my main faculty i am a photographer too and i know how much time is needed for someone to shot an interesting photo and there are morons who just press upload to win money without giving at least credits to the owner

All the imagery quotes and textual quotes included in my blog have a link back to the source and is afaik allowed under the fair use doctrine of copyright law.

Btw, the Economist magazine cover appears to be I believe a photograph of an actual copy of the 1985 issue.