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RE: Ever withdraw $1,000,000 in cash from your bank? I did. Here's what happened.

in #money8 years ago

This made me REALY mad! But it doesnt suprise me I already knw this that not only will they prevent you from withdrawing your own money but they will even report you tyo the Police and IRS and DE if you even deposit over $10,000 if they arent USED to you doing that....the banks hire the worst type of people...Chase took $2000 from me after i deposited CASH in my ATm and was going to ue it to buy AIRPLANBE tickets, and they FROZE my account and acused me of MONEY laundering and wouldnt mail me the CHECK for my balance after closing my accoiunt for fucking 1 month, and you cant sue Chase youll loose, they should be shut down by the federal governent for thir crimes during the 2008 financial crisis, whaterver they will die out as crypto bcomes thelast man standing and all fiat collapses its inevitable but it will happen slowly, ther wont be ay sort of flash crash...well the stock markety can crash and part of me hopes it does part of mehopes that EVERYTHINg expcet decentralized crypto currencies crashes

sales isnt for everyone, i realy don't like the idea of a class because its not neccisary, but maybe the reak value of these classes are to meet grant cardone and others at the university altho if youre advertising it to peopel who are broke without any money to wiothdraw maybe its not th best place to go networking? And since you say its a "Cardone University" and not YOUR class im asuming you wont even be there, and its just lame man i doubt your classes are worth the money u charge! its just a lame thing peopel do now teaching these classes is such a rip off man no way u can defend them, school clases are an archaic method of teacing TOTALLY made obsolete by the internet and ESPECIALY videos

maybe im just mad about the bank refusing to give u the money hah yeah sorry i know your classes may be worth someting i just dont like how your claiming that peopel who come to yoru class can just make all this money when slaes is a very tight game where theres not enough jobs for everyone, seriously i feel theres plenty of millions for all of us to make in the crypto world...but Real Estate? Nah man theres only enough money in real estate for a smal minority.....we should be teaching more people to be more frugal and just live ion microhomes and save money because look alot of peopel wont even end up making much money...but we CAN let people become fincialy independent using STEEMIUt which makes it MUCH more realistic..

its just very frustrating to see people like you who seem to have made money off real estate when note veryone can do that But EVERYONE CAN make money off Bitcoin Steemit crypto currency AND everyone can more or less find ONE thing to do online...(if they arent "good" with computers and wanna refuse to learn they can go try and drive for uber) but working from home or self employment should be seen as realistic, most peopel will only make like a few grand a month and thats FINE to live off, not everyone is gonna make 1 million dollars a year....

but everyone CAN make $50,000 a year! and honestly making $50,000 a year ONLINE from HOME is GREAT ...not everyone has access to the toosl they need to make as much as a small minoroty makes, but if we actyualy SHARES the METHODS on going from 0 to $10,0000 THEN youre helpong more people

because to really help the vast majortyt of viable workers out there who DO want to work is going to take knowledge of starting from NOTHING and making money of tHAT no leads to buy no coins to invest in just Zero to hero its possible with steemit and VERY few other oprograms....i LOAHE any system that requirs a PENNY in initial investment....if a system is real it should allow someone to start from 0! that goes for MLM sales systems! it makes me mad that an afiliate program would charge money for someone to many barriers so many batriers to entry its so lame...