How Many and How Much "What does Rush Money mean?"

in #money7 years ago

How Many and How Much

How many with countable noun or plural noun, and how much with uncountable noun or singular noun can serve to form questions. Many / much can also be followed by the preposition "of" when the word is followed by articles (a, an, the), possessive (their, his, her, its), or pronoun (them, us, you).

As Many / Much as
As many as or as much as can be used when it comes to talking about the quantity of a noun and comparing it to something more or less equal. Special many, not only can serve as a determiner or pronoun, but also adverb.

Sample Sentences as Many / Much as:
1 Take as many as you need.
(Take as much as you need.)
2 He should drink as much as eight glass of water a day.
(She should drink eight glasses of water a day.)
3 You can bring as many friends as you want.
(You can bring as many friends as you like.)
4 I try to make as much money as he can.

(I'm trying to make as much money as he can.)
To declare the number of a noun or noun, we can use many and much. Surely those two words are already familiar to your ears and sometimes can make you confused in menggunaknnya.

Well guys, does anyone know the different use of the word many and much? If curious and curious, then this article English Cafe Bali this time you should read because there will be interesting reviews about the differences many and much complete with examples of sentences and their meanings.

- Lately, the issue of Rush Money in the community circles. The issue is said Police Chief General Police Tito Karnavian is a fake alias Hoax.

According to the invitation to withdraw money in the bank on November 25, 2016 it is a provocative act.

Tito had ordered the Police Criminal Investigation Unit to track and capture the spreaders of the invitation.

"The call for rush to take money in the bank is not true and that is provocative", Police Chief Gen. Pol Tito Karnavian was quoted as saying by the BBC.

What does Rush Money mean?

But what is meant by Rush Money itself? Or What is the Meaning of Rush Money?

Rush in English means Hurry or Hurry while Money means Money.

Rush Money in this case is defined as taking money stored in banks simultaneously, as a form of mistrust of the community with the health condition of the bank or an unstable economy.

This condition causes the public to worry about saving their money in the bank so decided to withdraw their savings from the bank.

Understanding Tax Amnesty
If you still remember the banking conditions of 1997, where many banks were closed and bankrupt. Rush Money is done by the community if something like that happens.

The issue of rush money flourished simultaneously with the action plan of the alleged religious blasphemy case by the non-active Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok.

The recent social-social show calls for citizens to withdraw their savings in banks en masse on November 25th.

The use of how much and how many

In English, there are countable objects called countable nouns (CN), and those that can not be counted, are called uncountable nouns (UN).

Examples of Countable Noun, among others:
1. Bussinessman, in plural form / plural into bussinesmen
2. Child, plurally into children,
3. City, pluralnya into cities
4. Dollar, pluralnya into dollars
5. Dress, plurally into dresses,
6. Eye, plurally into eyes,
7. Familiy, pluralnya into families,
8. Glass, plurally into glasses,
9. Flight, plurally into flights (flight)
10. Time, plurally into times (times / frequencies), etc.
Examples of Uncountable Noun are:
food, cream, hair, insurance, money, music, pasta, rain, rice, snow, water, wine, etc.
Much is used in front of uncountable nouns, eg water money, sugar, salt and so on.

much water = lots of water
much money = lots of money
much sugar = lots of sugar
Example of sentences :

He does not have much money.
She has not much sugar.
Many are used in front of countable nouns, for example: books, cars, people etc.

many pencils = many pencils
many cars = many cars
many people = many people
Example of sentences :

He has not many pencils.
Have you many cars?
The next question word used to ask the calculated object (CN), is HOW MANY.
Meanwhile, the question word that is used to inquire objects that can not be calculated is HOW MUCH
How many and How much are equally meaningful HOW MUCH.
Consider the following example:
I. In their refrigerator, there is LIST OF SUPPLIES / SUPPLIES (10/10/10):
a. Biscuits (2 packets)
b. Chocolate (2 bars)
c. Meat (1 slice)
d. Beans (1 packet)
e. Matches (1 box)
f. Wood (some)
g. Paraffin (1 liter)
h. Ciggarettes (4)
How many means how many. He used to ask CN.
How much means how much / how much. He used to ask the UN.
Examples: How much is a kilogram sugar?
Some mean some, tend to be used in positive sentences / statements
A few, meaning little, are used for positive sentences / statements (CN / UN)
A little, meaning little, used for positive sentence / statement (UN)
Any, that means none. It is used in negative / denied sentences (I do not have any)

In line with what was said by the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Agus Martowardojo. Agus urged the public do not be hooked the issue of fake alias hoax.

According to him, the current financial and banking system is healthy and there is no problem.

"The financial system, the banking system is healthy, so there is no basis for any activity called rush,"

Many and much are words used to calculate a quantity. The word many is used to count countable noun or a noun / quantity that can be calculated. Like pen, book, car, and so forth.

Well, while much is used for uncountable nouns such as sugar, money, sand, and so forth. Sometimes the words many and much are preceded by the phrase how (how many / how much) whose function is to ask a quantity / quantity. Well for more details, let's look at the example - the example of the sentence below.

My mother has many knives in the kitchen. (My mother has many knives in the kitchen).
There are many animals at Bali Zoo Park. (There are many animals in Bali Zoo Park).
You need much money to buy this car. (You need lots of money to buy this car).
How many novels do you have? (How many novels do you have?).
There are many teachers in my school. (There are many teachers in my school).
I put too much salt in the soup. (I put too much salt into the soup).
My brother and I have many new movies. (My sister and I have many new movies).
We had so much fun. (We are really having fun).
There are many people in the stadium. (There are many people in the stadium).
How many skirts does Sinta have in the cupboard? (How many skirts does Sinta have in the closet?
How much sugar should I add to your tea? (how much sugar do I need to add to your tea?).
There is too much water in the bath tub. (There was too much water in the tub).
How much does it cost to rent a bus? (How much does it cost to rent a bus?).
That florist has many beautiful flowers. (The flower shop has many beautiful flowers).
My grandmother does not have much hair anymore. (My grandmother does not have much hair anymore).
My father does not drink much coffee. (My father does not drink much coffee).
Tio has so many friends. (Tio has so many friends).
Hurry up! We do not have so much time. (Let's hurry! We do not have much time).
How many of you ever been to Jakarta? (How many of you have been to Jakarta?).
We need much sand to make a sand castle. (We need lots of sand to make sand castles).

Well that's the difference many and much complete with sentence examples and their meaning. How are guys?