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RE: What I Learned in the Zeitgeist Movement | Part 2: "Waste = Profit"

Excellent quality article. You would think companies would mix PR with responsibility budgets more to boost the nature of how they are reducing waste and acting responsibly in their advertising, but hey... that aint 'sexy' is it?

Ironically, all responsibility is put on the consumer these days to 'dispose of responsibly', 'separate the waste for recycling' or pay to have old TV's or paint etc disposed of. So not only do we pay for the obsolescence, but we pay in time or money to dispose of the problem.

Obviously the idea the consumer is the one that guides the companies innovation is a fallacy and never the leading force in what companies do or want. They are not a part of what is wanted or needed these days, otherwise we would stop the insanity and have products that could be sold on and last a massive amount of time to be re-purposed (like an old Ipod now just used for streaming music).

The consumer ultimately is left to earn money from the company, buy from the company, recycle for another company and repurchase to rinse and repeat. We are in effect, the ultimate middle man..... but not paid for the privilege.

Welcome to the 'new' world.


You nailed it, thank you for your insightful comment!
There really has been a shift - not only do regular people ("consumers") get blamed for many of the responsibilities that are left undone, but we incrementally get used to that position. Meaning many people have fully bought it and think it is entirely on them so they better get their act together.
Driving fossil-fuel cars is an especially good example. Somehow we are all to blame for the demise of the biosphere because we just "waste too much energy and pollute the environment", while all effective solutions for personal transportation are held back or prohibited.

I am really happy I keep meeting people who are not afraid to think for themselves, and have done a lot of analysis on the structures most people call "normal" today.

Would love to read more of your thoughts! I followed <3