in #monday7 years ago

If every Monday you start with the solution of the same problem: behind your back two short days off, no strength, no mood, and ahead is a long working week, then there is a Monday syndrome.

By the way, you are not alone in your illness. According to statistics - nine out of ten people suffer from this syndrome.
How to deal with Mondays?

Here are some tips that will allow you to adapt to the workplace after a nice weekend.

  • Finale all the business on time

On Friday evening, when you leave home from work, try not to leave unfinished business. Instead of spending the last two working hours, spending this time on the Internet or chatting with colleagues, use it to complete the business. If you have done everything, try to plan carefully the next working week.

  • Switch

On Friday evening after work try to find such an occupation that will help you to switch from working atmosphere to rest. And in any case, when meeting with friends, do not load them with your service problems. First, pity your friends, and secondly - rest yourself.

  • Observe the mode

Try to observe the sleep mode during the workweek, and if on Saturday morning you decided to soak in bed a little longer than usual, try not to overdo it. Do not be lazy, get up at the usual time and make yourself a breakfast or a cup of coffee. You can have breakfast right in bed. In this case, you will avoid the headache that is so characteristic of the weekend, as it allows the body not to change the daily rhythm of life and drink morning coffee at the usual and usual time for it. The organism will be grateful to you for this.

  • Come off to the full

Eat, drink and enjoy life on Friday night and Saturday as long as you can. However, on Sundays try to spend no frills.

Sunday morning and Monday morning - try replacing coffee with mineral water or just a couple of glasses of clean water.

Believe me, all this will greatly affect your health on Monday morning.

  • Morning rituals and self-discipline

When you hear the alarm on Monday morning - do not press the button to turn to the other side, it's sweet to fall asleep. Learn exactly with a call, take yourself by the throat, run to run to the bathroom, then, after a little breakfast, rush to work. In this way, you will be able to return to your normal work rhythm.

Develop for yourself the morning ritual of fees and stick to it as carefully as possible.

  • Change the work or activity

If you get to work for you - torture not only on Mondays, but on all other days of the week, then, perhaps, you should change your occupation.

For example, you can, without breaking sharply from the main job, start earning money by consulting, until the earnings from workmanship are equal to your salary. And then it's time to move on to your business.