I Was A Teen Model For Elite NY And Chicago: Why I'd Never Allow My Own Child To Do The SamesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #modeling7 years ago (edited)






I was actively starving myself during the entire time I was a model, from age 15 to 18. I quit modeling at age 18, drove myself Canada then 4 months later checked myself into a mental ward for my eating disorder. I left modeling behind, but carried my eating disorder and body dysmorphia around for years afterwards.


When I was 15 I was a teen model with Elite. My face and body were my personal ATM.
The stuff I experienced was the usual: cocaine at parties, pressure from managers to starve myself, older men hitting on young models, and a crushing anorexia which permeated the entire scene. I fell victim to eating disorders and other unpalatable extremes that no one really talks about. When I lived in Tokyo at age 18, I lived in a closet-sized bedroom, packed in like a sardine with 2 other models. There was very little glamour involved. Money and commodification of young girls' bodies doesn't involve any glamour. Oh and by the way, if your daughter says she wants to model, please talk her out of it. It's largely a scam that might give you a disease, in the form of anorexia or drug addiction. There are better options nowadays. Just say no if you care for your child at all.

Anyway, I still have the photos.....here's my teen self. Notice how there is a strange sadness to all of them.



the flowers on the head trend never caught on.
There you have it.
I wrote extensively about my modeling experiences......maybe I'll copy them over here?

Here's an excerpt from my memory of my very first night in Tokyo when I was 18 years old:

On my first night in Tokyo, I received a call from my agent, Mimi.

She said she was taking me out to eat at a restaurant. When I got to the restaurant I was shocked to find a whole table full of models and businessmen. Mimi hadn’t mentioned that there were going to be men there. I thought I was hired to be a model, not a prostitute. I felt a sick, twisted feeling in my stomach when I arrived at the restaurant.

I was placed next to an Australian businessman named Alan Bond.

He told me he was Mr. Bond, the richest man in Australia and at the time, he was. I found him to be disgustingly pathetic, pompous, unattractive and old. He really loved talking about himself and tried very hard to impress me with tales of his obscene wealth. I was unimpressed. But I was also aware of the power dynamics. Mr. Bond owned me that evening. He had paid Mimi. Just how much, I never knew, but I had signed my life away in that contract. I had to do whatever Mimi said or else she’d send me back home to the States.

After talking with Mr. Bond for fifteen minutes, I could tell he wanted to fuck me. I immediately began plotting how to get away from this man who, in his words, “owned all of Australia.” After scanning the table for other models who were rebellious like me, I motioned to one and she came over to me. I suggested that we go to the dance floor for a bit. I expressed how freaked out I was that we had essentially been set up to be unpaid prostitutes for these bloated Australian tycoons. She was disgusted too, so we filled up on French chocolate tears, fruit and tea, then I told Mimi that we had to leave to meet some friends at a bar. I never found out if any of the models ended up having sex with Mr. Bond but I think one got really friendly with him. It was a disgusting experience.

Welcome to fucking Japan.

If you liked this, read the next chapter: The Modeling Industry Destroyed My Soul Part 2: THE YAKUZA

And just think, I was lucky because I was never raped. But others were not lucky. Remember Carre Otis from the Guess ads? She was raped by her manager in Paris. I made a video that describes my horror. She and I worked for the same agency, and it could have happened to me. I turned down the possibility of working for Elite in Paris.......the rapist-manager is pictured on the left and was married to Linda Evangelista. His name is Gerald Marie, and he walks free.


Thanks for sharing your story. I have also been in the fashion world and it is a soul destroying industry for men and women. you were lucky, most aren't and don't escape without being drug, alcoholics and being severely depressed.
I will follow you. Please read my story. I never took modelling or advertising as a career so guess I was lucky as knew it was just a bit of fun.
Please follow me and up vote if you feel.
I am following you now


thanks. formatting sucks, but it's late.....

formatting was fine! lol stellabella do u have any steller u should get some! while its still only 3 cents!
and we would like to see current images of you ! I wonder what you look like now!

you can find images of me, I'm not going to provide them for you.

I have to admit, that I enjoy manipulating younger women; but given that I'm not a lecherous old man, I would hope it's mutual.

I think the power differential between young models and older managers makes the relationship inherently predatory.

You're not a lecherous old man yet. Give it a few years.

Thanks for sharing your story

I don't know what you look like now, but you look so beautiful in all the photos. It was horrible of them to try to take advantage of you like that. I'm glad you got out.

Very Brave of you to come out with this story. My sister modeled for Ford NYC in the mid 90s when modeling got another infusion and her stories about the exploitation, drugs and treatment is a lot alike. My son talks about being an actor or model. I have told him" Hell No" only because I know what the industry is about. Anyway I enjoy reading you content. Thank you for sharing.

I'm personally involved with child protection in Australia, and I also work in an eating disorder treatment programme. The incident of people with eating disorders who have experienced childhood sexual assault (csa) is alarmingly high.
The statistics of childhood sexual assault in Australia is known to be 1inFive, but in reality is no doubt much higher. Like Japan the society largely doesn't want to hear about it.

I have posted here about my involvement before, particularly running marathons across the country to raise awareness and vital funds for child protection programmes in schools.

I can't run anymore, but I am supporting a friend and survivor towards her goal of running in the same event this year.
I will be shaving my head this month when she hits her target. She is almost there.

I decided to allow my hair to naturally become a statement /quiet protest, for silent suffering. Slowly it has become a dishevelled mess.
I want it to speak for people fighting the silence of assault and eating disorders.
Too often the perfectionistic presentation of anorexia screams behind a wall of control and self punishing rules.
The complete loss of control that is my do will be buzzed by survivors of csa at an event on 28th. Those survivors are victims of my own uncle.
He is a wealthy Australian fat cat who thought he was above the law. With money and the best barristers in the country he nearly got away with it.
This is our story as of last year.
I will post the update soon.
Thank you for having this conversation and using your position on this platform to get these stories out.
Silence about this underbelly of our society only empowers the predators. Your brave words will have an impact.

Great story .

That whole world and lifestyle is crap, I do not get why people are so interested in it.

That's how I remember you and your very first articles. You are the #steemitstarlett ! You inspired me to write more personal stories. 🌺❤️ To you and massive respect!