The Mystery of the Nine Planets In Ancient Sumerian Texts

in #misteri7 years ago

In the Enuma Elish Sumerian text, Epic Of Creation 1500 BC, obtained from the ancient Library of Ashurbanipal Niniwe in northern Iraq, a tablet tells the Epic battle between the sun god Marduk and the Tiamat sky dragon. This text is found in the ruins of Nineveh in the late 19th century AD, where the translation tells of celestial events related to the formation of the planet and the catastrophe caused by the planets approaching each other, releasing electrical energy like the theory of the electrical universe.

Enuma Elish Sumeria, Epic Of Creation

Appearing from the Outer Space, "Marduk" is still a new-born planet ... burp of fire and radiate radiation ... As "Marduk" he approached another planet ... dressed in halo ... ten Gods.
His approach ... has caused ... electricity and other emissions ... from other objects of the solar system. Ten sky bodies waiting for him ... The sun and only nine other planets are worthy.
The Gods have defined Marduk's destiny, combining their gravitational pull ... now ... determining ... this Marduk orbital path, so he can go ... but one ... towards "Battle", collision with Tiamat!
Discharging electrical energy ... as a result two planets are gathered, gravitational pull (net), from one top to another ...

This evidence suggests that, at one time, Venus approached the Earth as it showed a comet's tail in the sky. An electric arc is visible between the planets as it approaches each other causing deep wounds and craters and debris that once rained on the earth's surface. This event is recorded in human history as Epic of the Gods of Heavens in the form of ancient artistic representations, can be found in Egypt