How to revamp U.S. justice system. In my oppinion

in #misconduct7 years ago

In 21st century, we have an extreme problem; law enforcement misconduct in America. By july of 2017 police had fatally shot 500 people theough the country. Most of those shot, were unnecessary, and unneeded. As well police, are shot on a daily basis, making this one of the most dangerous jobs in America in some places

Our problem rises with the public view of our law enforcement. Currently the accepted solution is to 'tell' the people that we should respect the police, that we should praise the activities they plan. They cover news feed of law enforcement performing small acts of chivalry and they show the police being kind to the public... but in our eyes, that does not rectify the crimes and damages done. 'A few good deeds does not rectify a life time of crime.'

When the public views police conduct, they dont JUST view their local departments actions, thry view all departments they hear about in the media.

They hear about, 'A LOCAL police department has been put under scrutiny by the state department after accusations...' but fail to listen to the later told story of, ' A local mississippi police department is put under investigations after...' while they live in the middle of Nevada.

It is important to remember that the media plays a huge roll in law enforcements view, both social, and commercial media.

BUT, it is also important to remember the police who have created a bad image have done so by theit own choosing, and now, more and more law enforcement is performing heinous acts, and discipline is not being issued.

Below is a system I have created to assist in rebuilding the trust the people desperately need in the law enforcement. It is designed wholey to ensure a trustworthy enforcer, and help to ensure the safety of future generations.

Funding will be explained in a future post if requested:

  1. Extend training for law enforcement. Include extended specialized training in non-violent and non-lethal restraining techniques, include requirement to learn the U.S. and respective state constitutions. Require 5 year testing to ensure that officers are always up to date; 'you cannot properly enforce the law if you do not know the law.' This will help citizens better respect law enforcement seeing as they have a better grasp on their rights, and are more likely to be sympathetic to each citizens position.

  2. Require psych evaluations- once biannually for the first 5 years, once a year the next 5, semiannually the next ten and monthly after 20 years. Law enforcement IS A HARD JOB. As a law enforcer, you see the WORST that humanity has to offer and therefore you must show that you are mentally capable of continuing to do your job. 'You cannot properly enforce the law, when your mind has been damaged by what you have seen and endured.'

  3. Finacial transparency is vital to ensure the people know police arent taking pay offs or accepting bribes, just as it is with all other public officials with the trust of the public. as an addition bar law enforcement from contracting or performing work for private companies and corporations- police serve the public/tax payers, no one individual is better than the other 'exemption for national and international icons like president, ambassadors, etc.'

  4. Remove quota's. Its not law enforcement if someone ALWAYS has to be in trouble, and that is ALL a quota ensures, that 'SOMEONE IS ALWAYS IN TROUBLE' by removing quotas we remove the pressure from an officer to FIND something to charge you with.

  5. Remove external insentives for performed specific arrests, i.e. drug arrest money- So long as there is an external incentive to perform specific duties over others, those others will become less of a concern as we see today with growing heinous crime rates.

6.REMOVE LAW ENFORCEMENT FROM LEGISLATION- An officers experience is NOT evidence, whether scientific or not. Law enforcements influence is a form of coersion seeing police stand infront of legislatures on television and talk about how, 'this is wrong', or, 'we wont tolerate this' leave a vision that law enforcement are,not part of this country. Thst they sre their own entity, who are not subject to law and influence law, with or without scientific evidence.

It is important to remember that a CRIMINAL does not follow the law... that is why they are criminals. Theelre fore it is VERY SAFE to assume, thst criminals will do what ever thfy need to, to ensure they do not fall,victim to the justice system.

Police experience is: experienxe dealing with criminals. And criminals will do as they please with or without laws to offer discipline.

This is just an overview on how the justice system could be revamped for the 21st century america we face today.

As stated earlier, how to budget the cost of certain requirements will be covered in a new post if requested.