Disc Golf & Beer Review #3 ~ #minnowuprising #donttipbiffys

in #minnowuprising6 years ago (edited)


Another day, another round of disc. Featuring, at one point in time, my favorite beer Summit Saga. I can't remember who said it, maybe Patton Oswalt or some other actor of that caliber, but they said something to the effect of "I don't get the whole favorite thing. My tastes are changing all the time, why be stuck to just one thing?" I really liked that, so I have been trying to adhere to that philosophy, but it can be challenging in an assortment of ways. But seriously, a few years back, I could drink these things all day and night, and it's not a light beer by any means. You could have (and would have) said it was my favorite beer.

Summit Saga, is described like this:

Epic hop character.
Named after the Norse goddess Sága, drinking companion of the God Odin. Featuring a divine tropical fruit hop aroma and clean, assertive bitterness. Now available in 12-packs of 12oz cans and 4-packs of 16oz cans.

Pretty accurate I would say. 'Divine tropical fruit hop aromas' might be a bit egregious, but I can't and won't fault one of my great hometown breweries for trying to sell their beer through textual appeal. It does have a great aroma and there is absolutely no denying the 'assertive bitterness'. That's originally what sold me on this beer. After the first one ever slid down my gullet, they had me hook, line and sinker. It's not a slap you in the face kinda bitterness, but it's not for the faint of heart, novice IPA drinker.

I was limited in what I could bring out to the course with me this day, so normally I wouldn't bring such a heavy IPA with me on a hot and humid day of disc. Although delicious and cold, not so much on the refreshing side. But I enjoyed it none the less.


Which leads us to the main event. The game. It was my first round of the year with my good buddy Jesse, he is basically family. It was awesome to play with him because since we both started our families, our hang-out time together has been severely diminished. One of the negative side effects of growing up it seems. Those great childhood, HS, college friendships take a major back seat to simply just living your life. So it was so nice to catch up with an old friend.

While I did play fairly well this round, Jesse was on fire. He was hitting chain what seemed like every hole, I couldn't keep up. This was not typical for him (HA!), so I figured I could make a come back in the end. Down 2 with 2 to go, I just missed a birdie on 8 to be one down. Which would have helped a ton considering I parred and he bogeyed on 9 to beat me by 1. Bummer.


Our pretty decent play was not to be outdone with some very comical events, however. Hole #4 is a water hole and Jesse has spent enough time learning his lesson that he now only uses his floating disc on this hole. Which came in handy, when he hit a tree and went right in the water. A slight misstep almost sent him swimming, but in the end, he got it back.



In my younger days, I probably would have been the kid to say 'stop the car, we gotta tip this biffy!'. Luckily with age, us humans mature and don't feel the need to enact in this type of behavior. Most of us anyway. A respect for property rights is probably my biggest reason. I chalk it up to kids being kids, just unfortunate to see, but I get it.


As for my shot of the day, it came on hole #6. Not a super long hole, but barricaded by trees. You're not going to reach it going high, far left, or far right. Somewhere low and in the middle, or slight right with a crazy hook should put you sitting pretty. I usually go the route of middle with a small hook, and it panned out just right for me this time setting me up for an easy birdie.



A good friend, a good beer, and some disc. What more could you ask for?

Check out some of my other #minnowuprising posts of the month so far:













Man, I miss disk golf. Thanks for posting a great review and bringing back some great memories.

It's a game for almost any age, my friend. That's the best part about it! Get back out there and huck some disc!

Glad you enjoyed the read :)

I need to find some time. It was a great pass time in college.

Your description and appreciation of your local brewers is fantastic! I loved playing disk golf in high school, I'll have to get back into it. Thank you for the post!

Get after it man, it's great to just be outside and enjoy nature. It's the sport for competitive nature lovers, ha!