9 Processes For Writing Quality and Interactive Blog Posts.

in #minnowsupport6 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, so since my last post i have gone on a sort of self enhancement, as you will later discover in this post. I know i recently joined steemit, but i decided to acquire knowledge before rushing things on this platform, so i find what I'm about to share to be useful for people of different ranks on steemit. I decided that I'm going to be bringing quality to this community and I've decided to share what I've learnt with everyone. This post is going to be on how to write quality and awesome blog entries, on the steemit platform and even elsewhere. I have made my research and thought of which tag to use to bring this to the attention of minnows or planktons like me, so i went with @minnowsupport, so please seat back and definitely gain something.
Awesome blog entries increase the value of the group and are remunerated more. Regardless of whether you don't get enough upvotes because of the recent fall in prices of steem and sbd issue, you will see a huge increment in engagement on your posts in the event that you take after the 9 processes that will be mentioned in this post.

As per my own understanding, the genuine measure of a quality post is the quantity of individuals it connects with (and not really the quantity of Steem Dollars it brings).
We should dive straight in, but first, a preface.

Why is Writing Good Content Important?

Since your Steemit achievement (your rep, upvotes, and rewards) relies upon making great quality articles. By posting quality substance, you will help yourself out in light of the fact that individuals will begin noticing you and eagerly anticipate your posts. Engagement is the best marker of value.

Fundamental Structure of a Blog Post

In this post we will dive into point by point well ordered strategy of how to compose a blog entry given in detail, however I'm going to format the essential structure of a blog entry with the end goal of basic comprehension. In any case, dependably go for high caliber. Try not to trade off on the nature of your blog entries on the off chance that you need your blog entries to succeed. Regardless of how much time and exertion it takes; do it! Take these pointers into consideration;

  • Try not to utilize alternate routes. Easy routes like written falsification failing to bring long haul achievement.

  • Steemit has a framework that appreciates quality and inventiveness.

  • Subsequent to composing your initial couple of articles, you will wind up acquainted with the entire technique consequently.

Well, without further ado, the processes to a more quality blog post;

Process 1: Write An Attractive Title

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I have discovered during my research that about eighty percent of the people who peruse posts read only the feature/title, and just about twenty percent read rest of the article. Do you see the association amongst titles and readers? What influences a peruser to stay inspired by perusing your blog entry or leave the without understanding it?

It's the feature; the title. On the off chance that your guests are changing over to avid readers, you've most presumably completed a great employment in making your title. In the event that the "New" segment of the steemit site is sending incredible numbers to your posts, your title has an extraordinary part in it.

Be that as it may, if the views are not as expected, your title is the principal offender. You should comprehend that an OK title took after by a great introduction and fantastic content inside your blog entry will never bore your audience. They'll read that specific post as well as check your different posts, and presumably upvote and resteem too.

Feature Tips
Take a trip to other Steemians with extraordinary reputation and audience and perceive how they make a title/heading and how they declare their subject in the title. The examination will enable you to comprehend what works and what doesn't.

  • Do ensure that your title comprehensively speaks to what your blog entry contains.

  • On the off chance that your title demonstrates that the article is about one thing however the article, as a general rule, is about another thing entirely, at that point you will lose readers as well as get no rewards or motivation for your posts. Features ought to contain your subject.

  • Research your point for a long time before posting about it.

  • Word your title with the end goal that it persuades perusers to click. Stay away from deceptive clickbait however.

  • Present a number in the title. It expands the execution of the blog entry, just like i utilized it in the title of this post. Odd numbers work superior to even ones.

Remember these rules while making your blog entry's title.

Process 2: Write An Engaging Introduction

Assume you've composed an incredible feature that makes the reader intrigued. In any case, what happens if your first lines suck? The guest loses all his fascination and leaves your post. This is definitely not wanted.

Composing a connecting and fascinating drawing basic passages is totally needed in keeping the reader on your blog. You can utilize following methods to compose a nice introduction:

  • Incorporate an inquiry. It lights the manner of thinking and expands engagement.

  • Show details. Demonstrating careful details, with ( with source is advisable) or without source, draws in consideration.

  • Analyze at least two things. For instance, Steemit against Facebook can be a hot correlation.

  • Say an easy to refute point. We as a whole comprehend what level headed discussion can do for engagement. Be intelligent and respectable while doing that.

  • Clarify a circumstance. Utilizing the issue specified in the feature, explain to what the issue is and why you're expounding on it.

  • Examine foundation of the theme. For instance, if selecting a cell phone is the issue, portray why it 's difficult to select a cell phone and what the variables are.

  • State a specialist or expert. It can be a statement. It can be a line from his or her discourse. Citing specialists fabricates intrigue.

  • Depict a common illustration. It can be something identified with your point that individuals are most generally acquainted with.

  • Once more, taking a gander at blog entries composed by specialists regarding any matter will enable you to accumulate enough thoughts.

Process 3: Write Main Content


In the event that you have done everything appropriate to get the consideration of your readers, it is important that the reader ends up happy with the core of your post. All things considered, your main content is what he's gone to your blog for. Remember the setting of your title while composing the main piece of your blog entry. You will probably convey the esteem which the reader anticipates from you in the wake of reading snappy title and presentation. Tackle his concern! The main post ought to contain the accompanying components. Some essential features of a great body of a post which needs to be understood and utilized includes:


Headings assume a great part in sorting out content wonderfully. Utilization of suitable headings can produce unmistakable fascination which will bring about the reader remaining for more length on your blog.

He or she may turn into a supporter and may bolster you in such a significant number of ways.Write important headings which plainly show the content secured under them. Headings can be transformed from the alternatives accessible in the editor.


At the point when fundamental headings incorporate a tremendous subject which requires or encourages clarification, subheadings can be utilized. For this post, regard headings as title and subheadings as its headings. It resembles a smaller than normal blog entry inside a blog entry. Medium and little headings are subheadings. Utilize them as needs be.

List or Roll

On the off chance that you have a few indicates that need be featured noticeably, making bulleted or numbered records is a brilliant activity. Lists definitely send the message since they are perceptible.

Summing up focuses in bulleted or numbered frame is extraordinarily simple.
There are a number of bulleted lists in this post(the little dots before the italics above) They are anything but difficult to peruse and upgrade client encounter.

Settings/ media

It incorporates pictures, recordings, gifs, or anything varying media that shows up in your blog entries. Media rich posts are additionally captivating and convey more esteem.

Including Images and Gifs

The picture you include will be set at the site of your cursor. Ensure you include the picture at the fitting spot in the blog entry. To include pictures from your gadget (like the ones downloaded from Canva or the screen captures and so forth.), receive the methodology specified in this post. The system has been made less demanding as you to can simply embed pictures by clicking "choosing them" on your editorial manager on steemit, so make utilization of pictures at the suitable spots.

Cautioning: Do not infringe on copyright while transferring media to your blog. Copyright infringement is unapproved utilization of another person's property. I utilize Canva. Follow the focuses above to utilize pictures properly in your posts.

  • Including pictures that are easy to understand leads to an increment their advantage.

  • Pick pictures with the proper size. Too huge or too little pictures are not prescribed.

  • Visual breaks enable perusers to remain on your blog entries. Include pictures wherever you can and wear not let the content be excessively overwhelming over the post.

Including Videos

To include recordings, just take after these modest advances.

  • Open the youtube video you wish to include.

  • tap share.

  • now copy the displayed link.

  • paste it in your post. The video is ready.

On the off chance that you need to include your own recordings (which is a smart thought if you are able), transfer them to your YouTube channel. At that point include them in your posts following the means stated above.

Process 4: Write A Conclusion

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Your main post is respectable. It's a great opportunity to wrap things up pleasantly in an elegantly composed conclusion. Give it a heading named conclusion or anything you think about that's great. Keep in mind, these are the last couple of moments of the reader on your post. He's as of now getting ready to leave your blog once he's finished reading.

Clutching his consideration is the best thing you can do right then and there. Compose a fitting conclusion which entireties things up in a fantastic manner.Some individuals look down, see the headings and straightforwardly go to finishing up part. Compose it so well that these individuals backpedal to the beginning and begin reading your blog entry.

Process 5: Ask for Action

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Asking people to take action is something you need to do. Since your reader has finished reading something that tackled the issue he was confronting, you're in an extraordinary position to approach him for something that you would need him to do. The following are some guidelines for this:

  • Requesting that the reader to give input. Welcome him to leave remarks. This helps in creating an atmosphere of interaction.

  • Asking for to resteem if the post has appealed to the reader.

  • There must be an invitation to take action, and it ought to persuade. Release your internal correspondence master to get things going the way you need them to.

Process 6: Select A Category and Add Tags

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This is critical for your blog. Sorting your substance into classes encourages you make it obvious in those tags on Steemit. Keep in mind a few focuses.

  • The primary tag you compose is the fundamental class of your blog entry.

  • Compose tags in little letters as it were.

  • Add space to isolate two tags.

  • Pick the most pertinent tags and on the off chance that you can, compose 5 of those.

  • Make new tag if your new blog entry does not fall under existing ones. Five labels implies your post will instantly show up in 5 unique labels in the New area; influencing it more to find capable.

Process 7: Add A Thumbnail Image

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Subsequent to making your blog entry, include a thumbnail picture that draws in the consideration of your guests. It must be identified with your substance and must not abuse copyright laws. Make excellent blog title pictures on Canva.com for nothing.
The first picture you add to your blog entry will go about as the thumbnail of your post on Steemit and online networking locales when the post is shared. The thumbnail picture ought to be in the first part of the presentation.

Process 8: Recheck and Preview The Blog Post.

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Once done writting your blog entry according to above advances, recheck for little linguistic mistakes, grammatical errors, and changes. Once done, you can review by reading your post in the review section of the editorial manager. Check whether everything looks fine. Try not to rush or you'll lose all your diligent work. When all is well, then we move to process 9

Process 9: Publish The Blog Post

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Whoa, you're done, well, Hit that Post button. You're through!


Knowing how to compose a blog entry is synonymous to thinking about making quality substance. How about we compress the entire procedure. To create an extraordinary blog entry, you should: -

1. Make an appealing and engaging title containing your catchphrase.
2. Compose a consideration getting presentation.
3. Make a connecting with content which is efficient and media rich.
4. Compose a conclusion which generally totals up the post.
5. Call your perusers to some activity of your inclination.
6.Select the principle class and include applicable tags.
7. Set an attractive yet applicable thumbnail picture.
8. Recheck, see for any slip-ups or enhancements.
9. Post the blog entry.

I trust this blog entry helped you figure out how to make astonishing blog entries on Steemit, as it has for me, following the processes i hope to produce quality posts worthy of resteem. For others reading this following these rules will guarantee greater engagement on your posts and your Steemit growth will turn out to be more lovely.
I hope to help myself and other group of individuals, particularly the beginners, by imparting this information to them.


I will upvote and resteem your last blog post free to my 35,000+ followers if you reply with the word, "free". Blog posts over 7 days old can not be upvoted or resteemed. a-0-0

Absolute excellent post set out exactly how you have described and to see your new to steemit makes me very excited for your block chain future well done and keep steeming.

Thanks for your words of encouragement

Really helpful and informative post. It offers a lot of guidance on how to grow in the community. My upvote is worth nothing but you got it! Good job on promoting a better Steemit for all.

Your upvote worths more than you know, thanks for reading.

Great tips, thanks for sharing! I am resteeming this post that deserves more attention for all your effort :)

Your efforts are well appreciated, thank you.