A love letter to my fellow moderators and a plea

As you may know, I have been a moderator at the Minnow Support Project's discord server - PALnet - for a few months. Before I took the position, there was just one other, @swelker101.
A St Louis native, currently living in Texas, Shane was the first member of MSP that I got to know, and became good friends with. Although we often joke and I usually blame him for everything, I admire Shane for his hard work and dedication to the community. His recent witness campaign - which he was scared to mention for fear of me copying him - has done really well and he currently sits at position 79. I urge you to help him rise in rank by voting for him as witness by clicking THIS LINK. This Saturday will be our third outing on The Shane and Muxxy show, our two-hour show on MSP Waves. @swelker101 runs @msp-shanehug, a bot that upvotes delegators to MSP.
Hailing from Australia - the land where everything wants to kill you - @Sammosk was the next to join the moderation team. We didn't exactly hit it off from day one. I wrongly took exception to a joke he made and have since apologized for my error. He is much loved among the minnows, not only for the time he dedicates to chat and to making everyone feel welcome, but Sammo is a very generous soul who goes out of his way to help where he can. His @msp-creative endeavor regularly rewards good content and has rightly gained many delegations of SP.
The next moderator at MSP was @rhondak. From the first time she joined discord we instantly clicked. We have a lot in common and understand each other well. In addition to being a published author and critic, Rhonda has a generous, caring soul - running an animal shelter in Virginia under circumstances most of us would recoil from. @rhondak created the fiction workshop, a channel where writers, authors, editors and renowned critics gather to polish and finely tune works of fiction into publishable content. Rhonda was instrumental in creating Steemshelves, a repository for serialized Steemit posts. She also made the SFT Library, an off site library for works of fiction curated by Steemhous Fiction Trail. Her eventual goal is to create the first publishing house entirely backed by crypto. @rhondak can be found daily, working tirelessly, in the fiction workshop.
The invasion of the red heads was started by @crimsonclad. She describes herself as a world traveler, metalhead, dork, and photographer. She made her presence felt with her creation of the MinnowSupport website, a repository of everything you ever wanted to know about our community but were afraid to ask. Crimson is the sensible little sister to us men mods, often keeping us in check. She is very much a peacekeeper, but flaunt our few rules and expect a whip-crack. I discovered we had a very similar taste in music and was delighted to learn of her Full Force Thursday radio show at MSP Waves.
Another ginger joined the team next. @Discordiant is a very methodical person, often discovering accounts that attempt to abuse our upvote bots: his detective skills would put Sherlock Holmes to shame and he is our go to guy when we need to investigate questionable accounts. We share a mutual enjoyment of vaping, swapping e-juice recipes. A self-described geek and beard grower.
Finally, we come to the clown of MSP, @r0nd0n. I have spent many hours in voice chat with him until recently, when a lot of his time has been taken with his new position as MSP Waves studio manager, helping with the day to day running of the shows. We share an interest in alt news and 'truther' subjects. @r0nd0n also runs @freezepeach - an account that advocates for free speech on the Steemit platform, and often attempts to deescalate 'flag wars.'

As we nudge ever closer to 5,000 members, we will no doubt be expanding the moderation team. We all enjoy our roles and passionately believe in our community, and it's motto of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. This is my small acknowledgment of all the hard work my fellow moderators put in - voluntarily - to pursue those lofty ideals and to maintain a warm and welcoming community for all minnows.

In closing, I would like to thank @aggroed for the opportunity to become a member of the team. I would also implore anyone able to do so, to delegate to @minnowsupport; our biggest sponsor, @benjojo, is slowly withdrawing his delegation and we would like to fill the hole left in order to keep offering the use of the upvote bot - delegations to minnow support give the bot its voting power.
Join Minnow Support at PALnet https://discord.gg/v3GpU4N
Click HERE to learn more

Gingers are what make The Earth go round, and why Aliens haven't invaded.
"We should destroy Earth."
"What!? No, that's where the Gingers are."
"Oh... right... good point... without them String theory doesn't work."
That said. I love the people in the MSP
voted for @swelker101 :-)
Awesome. Thank you!
Voted ...blessings...I was just chosen for the 6 to be voted on and so appreciate it! So happy to support you in your witness desire...appreciate your hard work with #minnowsupport.
Awesome. He is a great guy. (Don't tell him I said so)
Would you like to see my bunghole?
Nice presentation muxxy of the PALnet Mods.
I think I could complete another delegation somewhere if needed =D just let me know
Good on ya Muxxy. You all do an amazing job.

We thank you! and all the other mod's !
Sorry I do not spend more time in PALnet discord,But I do appreciate all the help and friendship!
Namaste friend.
Keep up the good work muxxy and crew! "Ya'll are crazy. I like you, but you're crazy" :-)
Awesome article and for someone who has only been around for about 2 weeks it was nice to get a sense of history. My Steemit cultural heritage if you will.
Thanks for all you do to help us minnows out!
I've been on the receiving end of help from almost every one of these folks and their kindness and generosity in helping me has been inspirational. They are a big part of the rising tide intended to lift all boats through MSP and I can't say enough kind words about them. Especially @gmuxx himself, a true knight in shining armor, who is always available to help and asks nothing in return, ever. Also @Rhondak who is truly a selfless soul, giving tirelessly of her time, talent, and lovely heart. More recently @swelker101 who is part of an effort to bring attention to creative pursuits on Steemit. People like him and the sweet @sammosk with his creative bot are all that stand between a quality, censorship free platform and a platform flooded with shitposts. I consider myself blessed to have met them.