Beginners insight to minergate.

in #mining7 years ago


Investing your home pc or laptop into MinerGate while (afk) away from your PC.
Again this is a beginners read..

I have heard many people state that Minergate is a "scam" and or a "waste".
I started to mine with MinerGate about a year ago and took a few months off because of loss of interest in such small payouts to be honest after a few months of use. Although.. I thought at first, (being new at Crypto) that the BCN was actually bitcoin, (lol knuckle head) its not. I also thought that "Dashcoin" was Dash. It was not, it was Bytecoin and Dashcoin. (wtf) Being pushed toward Crypto and encouraged to learn, ( Thanks to " The Bitcoin Chick" ) I was quickly interested to learn what Crypto really is and what I had just invested my laptops running all day into ( while afk).
Crypto and ALTcoins and what you can dowith them are way bigger than you can imagine as a Gnewb or beginner..

  Bytecoin among others like Doge are supposed to be a long term investment coin, 

so maybe it wasn't a bad thing. Maybe I should read up on on the different coin tags
and learn what they really are. Being a "Gnewb" has its disadvantages but only for awhile.
Minergate for a new player at this game is VERY deceiving. Mining it for a few months on and off.
I was able to mine about 350 full Bytecoin with only a laptop.
One day it might be worth a lot more than less than a penny as it is now.
Transferring your coins to wallets to secure them is the next big learning step
but I should test the scam and or "waste" blogs I have read about and make my own decisions.
They have 0 pop ups and zero adds compared to others and faucets being promoted,
that come to find out.. most carry backdoor trojans.
Minergate is really easy for a beginner and does mine from your laptop or PC.
I'll mine and get to a payout level and see what happens.. pull the trigger.

Making a "withdraw" with Minergate was successful to my wallets. They do pay out and

many people with miner hardware (rigs) are making decent profits! With only a laptop or
desktop PC your in for a long haul for sure but MinerGate does have an option that is available to miners that says "BUY" next to XMR or Monero, Maybe Ill mine FREE and get to enough xmr
or monero coin for free then upgrade to to the buy option to start using their miners CLOUD
option about 20 H/S hashrate or speed to mine the coins and save electricity from running my pc's.
Game on. lets blow stuff up and see what happens..

 Reading more and more into bytecoin, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, and other major alt coins I went

back to minergate later to see if any of the "OFF" coins (altcoins or different than bitcoin)
were at a payout level. They are and were. I upgraded Xmr to a buy level for about 14$ usd
worth of my mining. After purchasing the mining contract via the cloud ( they start mining
for you on their servers after a 14$ invest instead of your pc running.) I reached a payout of
$0.04 usd after 2 days. Not much at all. Then it pays daily. So far at $0.04 usd per day.
If your repeating this action of free mining then reinvesting into the buy option you
could increase the hash rate or speed at which you mine on their servers. Their being the key word.
If the server is paying $0.04 per day then your mining, then the server is at $0.08 cents per day
and your still mining your increasing your hash rates to a larger and larger hash rate as you go :)
after a few times you could be say sixty cents a day. The more you do the more you make/ ?

After 2 days I have 20 H/S -- -- 0.00023010 XMR ($0.08) from cloud mining.

I'll keep plugging!

minergate.jpg away and keep you up to date.

To recap Miner gate has been successful so far and not a scam. No firewall alerts no hidden fee's just mining.
It's very slow for me but if you have a fast computer or fast gpu you can pass me by
in the mining highway. Just wave.

Ill recap after a few more buys from MinerGate and keep you up to date.


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