Is mining profitably the only way to mine?

in #mining8 years ago

I have been mining on since a couple of weeks on a laptop.

I have mined half a dozen different coins which are not of much worth.

I have only managed make a few bucks. It wouldn't make sense to continue if I calcutate the profitability but I still plan to do it anyway.

Here are the reasons why...
One of the coins I mined might skyrocket.
One of coins just grows slowly over a long time.
The coins being mined in big pools today has a good community of miners.
I learn more and keep up-to-date on current trends.
The big coins of today also started small.
Finally, its nice to see my computer work for me instead of me working on it all the time :)

I know its silly but what do you guys think?


You probably need more hashpower inorder to make decent profit !

Right on. I am looking into getting an egpu for my old laptop. Already ordered an adapter. Do you have any recommendations for a starter/economical ext. Graphics card ? Would appreciate your input

The best ratio/price are the RX 580 for a bit less than $300 if you can't afford them you can get a used RX 480 or a used RX 470.