omnia & genesis mining officaly partnershipsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #mining8 years ago

helooo steemians

im sorry i wasent writing this week a was realy busy with travelling so i had to put steemit a second away..

today i will tell you abaut a realy interessting company where you have the possibility to make same good expirience like i did.

every body who is in crypto knows or shoud know genesis mining (if not you will find on steemit good post about it)

know where you know whats genesis mining i can tell you that OMNIA is theyre offical partner.

so whats happening here exactly?

omnia uses the mining expirience of genesis to generate the best performance. that means the hole expertice wich coin gives

more and the maintainace of this machines is done by genesis.the reasons why theyre in island are pertty simple the electricity

is pretty cheap out there.and the clima they have there is realy good for this mining machines because theyr heat up like crazy.

the hole natural envirement in island is olso bether for the maintanance of the machines

whats the only big difference is that with omnia you have the possibilty of an amazing afilate programm

whats not possible with genesis because you get nothing of people you refer.

like i told you several times im traveling the world since more than 4 years and im enjoing life. i dont have to wake up in the morning thinking have to work i just wake up get on my way an every persone i meet its a contact every body in the world has the possibilty to join this typ of programs with just a realy small amount of money. because every body or 90% of them ask me how do you do this?next by i learned to tattoo und to make nice pizzas but this gives me money to have a good weekend but not to move on my trip to be able to travel 4 years.
so i just love to share this with you and hope i can inspirate you to enjoy life or minimaly to let youre money work for you.

this is my afilate link i hope you coud enjoy my post and i hope to see you soon on omnia

peace and love