Earning Crypto with Your Mining Rig: The 5 Best GPUs on the Market

in #mining2 years ago

Hello Guys,
Myself Pradyumna Mohani and I am a Robotics Engineer by profession and an astronomy enthusiast and also an exquisite poet. This is all about me !!
This is my first post on Steemit and today we are going to discuss the 5 best GPUs available in the market for crypto mining. So let's get started.
If you’re looking to earn crypto through mining but aren’t sure which GPU you should use, this guide will help with that decision. We’ve researched 5 of the best GPUs on the market, and you can read our findings below to see which ones will be right for you!

  1. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
    The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 is a great GPU for mining Ethereum or other coins using a Proof of Work consensus algorithm. It offers a high hash rate, and its low power consumption will help keep your electricity bills down. If you're looking for a GPU that can mine any coin, this is the card for you.
    The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti is another good option if you are mining Ethereum or other coins using a Proof of Work algorithm.

  2. AMD Radeon VII
    The AMD Radeon VII is one of the most popular mining GPUs in the world. It's powerful, efficient, and competitively priced. If you're looking to mine cryptocurrency without spending too much money, this GPU could be a good option for you. It can produce 32 MH/s while drawing 225 watts at stock settings.

  3. NVIDIA Titan V
    The NVIDIA Titan V GPU is a professional card that is used for mining. Mining with a GPU has some advantages over using a CPU or ASIC miner. First, it is much cheaper to purchase a GPU than to buy an ASIC miner. Second, it’s easier to find and use software for mining with a GPU. Finally, it’s more straightforward to troubleshoot problems because of the similarity between GPUs and PCs.

  4. AMD Vega 64
    One of the best mining GPU's on the market is AMD's Vega 64. It is a powerhouse in terms of mining and has been known to beat out Nvidia's GTX 1080 Ti. To run this GPU at its full potential, it needs to be ran at a stock voltage of 1.5V or higher and at a frequency of 2GHz. If you're looking for a good CPU to pair with this GPU, Intel Core i7-8700K is currently one of your best options.

  5. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    If you are looking for a card that can provide you with excellent performance while also being able to run cool and quiet, then look no further than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. This GPU features 3,584 CUDA cores and 11GB of GDDR5X VRAM which is plenty for any mining operation. Running at speeds of 1,480MHz on its base clock, this card can produce some serious hash rates at 31MH/s in Ethereum mining.
    The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti also has a significant overclock potential as well. With the ability to go up to 2,050MHz on its boost clock or beyond 3GHz if overclocked manually, this card will be able to crunch numbers faster than most other cards out there.

The mining process is not as simple as it sounds. You need to have a mining rig and software that can mine the coins you are interested in. If you don't know how to mine, I recommend using NiceHash Miner. That way, you just tell it what coin you want to mine and it does all the work for you. There are also other software options such as CudaMiner or SGMiner which also work well for certain coins. Now that you've learned about mining and what's involved, go forth and make some money!