How to make Nicehash use EWBF's miner instead of excavator. 8-10% increase,
What i failed to mention in my introduceyourself post is that i also mine as a hobby. I am what they call a "casual miner" if you will.

In this article i will give you a step by step instruction on how to enable EWBF's later miner with Nicehash (Because excavator sucks!)
Download this version of Nicehash:…/NiceHashMiner/releases/tag/
This version of EWBF (0.3.4b as of this writing):
Extract Nicehash into its own directory, same for EWBF 0.3.4b.
Run Nicehash once to download 3rd party miners
Go to YOURNICEHASHFOLDER\bin_3rdparty\ and backup/move the contents of the ewbf folder to another location. It should have miner.exe, and the 2 cuda dll's.
Go to the EWBF 0.3.4b folder you downloaded and copy miner.exe and the 2 cuda dll's (x86 and x64) into the YOURNICEHASHFOLDER\bin_3rdparty\ewbf location.
Take note, benchmarks wont work on this mode so manually enter your hash values (I just used excavator * 1.055, so if you have 680 Sol/S for example, ~720 Sol/S in the bench value.)