And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
To sit firm upon a rock,
I found you—shivering, bare.
That tap and jot and know what rood-lofts were?
Are modified in the guts of the living.
It is perfume from a dress
Hungry yet today despite the dream.
As the wine is, so the verse:
And they stuck me together with glue.
Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll;
And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
To sit firm upon a rock,
I found you—shivering, bare.
That tap and jot and know what rood-lofts were?
Are modified in the guts of the living.
It is perfume from a dress
Hungry yet today despite the dream.
As the wine is, so the verse:
And they stuck me together with glue.
Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll;