The Imprisoning Cube of Saturn. The Holy Cross of Prayer. His Altar the Black Screens of our Technological Dystopia.
Billions of Morning Salutations a Day, Birthing a World in which restriction and limitation are saturating every area of life.
He answers his prayers by birthing a prison world held within his black cube of restriction.
Break the Spell of Saturn in your life, unless you wish to be imprisoned in his Kingdom.
Breaking his Spell, is gaining mastery over him within yourself.
He becomes the true foundation of your sovereignty, the roots of your heart.
When your daily life becomes an unconscious prayer to the Black Cube of Saturn/SATAN.
Praying at the Altar of SATAN/Chronos/ Saturn.
The God who eats his own children. In the end you are eaten.
For He is a Selfish God.
Afraid his children might become Gods greater than he.
He is God of Limitations/Restrictions. A world in which everyone is praying to the black screens of Saturn, should not be surprised that all that is birthed is restrictions and limitations, with increasing systems cannibalizing our infants from ever growing sovereign.
Today I cradle my unhappiness in a warm embrace, I hold it in love and joy.
Black mirrors of imprisoning magic, turning us into nothing but a meaningless toy.
No resistance to my saddened heart, I welcome its pulsating stirrings of change.
Rectangular portals into fake realities, invitations into the unreal, we follow, how strange?
We hold the black mirror to our face, pissing and shitting while staring into it.
It asks for our soul from morning to evening, past the last of the candles lit.
A demonic black hole radiating a false light of infinite false-promises and illusions.
The temple at which you all pray, morning salutation and evening prayer, strange delusions.
It has you caught when you think you are least caught by it.
It has you captured, in its subtle web, not realizing you were bit.
It is lavishly draining the sacred christ-blood from your veins.
It is serving you a cycle of separation and unending pains.
Drip-feeding you dopamine hits better than cocaine.
Swipe,Like,Bell rings, Pops and Whistles.
Making you unkowing slave from knowing sovereign.
So I wake up with a saddened heart, for there are some parasites I must kill.
I open my eyes with the sadness in which my heart is drowning, having had its fill.
It fuels the grip upon the hilt of my sword, blade of my mind.
Embracing the worms with love to their death still blind.
As I patiently watch for the right moment to strike.
Give them a kiss of death, send them off for a hike.
Taking back ever greater portions of my vitality and life.
With each of these worms that I murder with my hearts loving knife.
Burning their dead corpses in the fire that I am, blazing alive.
-Lucifer the Ravenking, visit Catharsiopa