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RE: You Should Avoid News and Instead, Seek the Truth of History!!!

in #mindset6 years ago

I disagree with about half of your post.

I agree that the news is biased. The mainstream is close to completely biased. Many of the alternative media are biased as well. The great thing about the internet is that we have so many sources of information. I have found a few websites and journalists that make a genuine effort to report the truth. There is RT America, Wearechange, and John Pilger.

Turn back the clock before the internet, the media was still biased but it was less obvious. People did not known they were being deceived. Go back further to what is refereed to as history. We have have accounts that are close to completely dictated by those ruling at the time. History also differs depending on where you come from. There will be some broader truths to history but with plenty of fiction mixed in to support certain agendas. There are people that have done some great digging to uncover some of the hidden truths. To access this information involves turning to more recent documentaries as well as the present day media.


I agree with your comment. There are many examples of bias and misinformation in history, with organised religion being a prime example of this.

In today’s overly connected landscape there are plenty of sources of unbiased information that discuss current events, there’s even a few accounts on Steemit that strive to provide such information.

This post, that is overloaded with paid votes which has drawn an absurd amount of funds from the limited reward pool, is a disappointment to say the least.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It gives us some hope that we have people in the alternative media that are willing to challenge the mostly biased mainstream stories. Steem is perfect for the alternative media considering we are censorship resistance.

History can not be so easily challenged because of the monopoly of information at the time.

The arguments in this post are quite weak and should be fleshed out further. As it stands, I feel the arguments are simply a reaction to mainstream media.

I am also disappointed that most others commenting are simply agreeing with very little demonstration of critical thought.

This “author” writes to a schedule. He simply pumps out content rather than writing for the sheer enjoyment of it.

And most of his followers are spouting positive responses in the hopes of an upvote. The author encourages people to upvote one another which also encourages only positive comments rather than real debate.

It’s refreshing to see your honest comments here. Keep it up. :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I endorse your assessment spectrumecons. History like news depends on who the narrator is and the biases of the source/s. We should not depend on any one source but assess as much information as we can possibly gather if it’s an issue that we care about. From the body of material we may be able to find a clearer picture of the truth.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I always recommend doing as much research as possible. There is so much conflicting information. Eventually we are able to distinguish between the more reliable sources and the ones guided by hidden agendas.

This I can agree with. News is also a historical source.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good counter points. History is always written from the winner's perspective.

Thanks. I hope I can stimulate some debate. I have yet to receive a response from the author.

@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!